Rainy, Lazy Afternoon ('40s Bucky Barnes X Reader)

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Above: A soundscape I made to go along with this story! It's my first time trying my hand at anything like it, so let me know your thoughts!


It hasn't rained for weeks.

For the average person, that would seem like a good thing - no rain equals more sunshine!

But for you, a woman who loves the rain and the lovely grey skies that accompany that type of weather, you're beginning to really wish the heavens would open up.

As you hum softly to the gentle tune playing over the radio waves, flipping the last few of the pancakes you'd been working on, you can't help but cast your gaze out of the kitchen window.

The sky isn't as bright as it has been the past few days, a sign of the weather you're looking for, maybe?

"Mornin' doll," A familiarly husky voice sounds from behind you, followed closely by a warm pair of arms lazily wrapping around your torso.

"Good morning to you too, sleepy head," You tease your boyfriend, dodging his attempt to plant a kiss to your cheek as you step out of his grasp, grabbing the plate containing the stack of breakfast items and wandering into the small dining room off to the side of your even smaller kitchen in your even smaller apartment the three of you all share.

"Y/N..." Bucky whines softly as he chases after you, once more trying to capture you in an embrace, though you continue to avoid him. "C'mon doll... Can't I at least get a hug?"

You chuckle lightly, placing the tiny bowl of strawberries Steve had managed to snatch up from the market the other day on the table beside the pancakes.

"Oh, alright," You finally agree when you turn back around to meet the man standing behind you, his brown hair a tangled mess, his steely blue eyes shining with a trace of fatigue, though a smirk is gracing his lips.

Meeting Bucky in an embrace, you allow his larger frame to hide away your smaller one, your hands finding their way around his neck as your head rests against his chest.

"Breakfast looks delicious," He murmurs in your ear, his warm breath tickling the sensitive skin as goosebumps dance across your arms.

"It was Stevie's idea," You confess, staring up at Bucky's mesmerizing blue gaze through your lashes.

"Where is the little punk anyways?" He chuckles, though his tone drops the playfulness as he waits for your response.

"He went down to the foyer to get the mail, I believe," You grin reassuringly.

And, lo and behold, the much smaller form of Steve Rogers stumbles through the front door of the shared apartment, his hands evidently full of various items.

"Whatcha got there?" You inquire as both you and Bucky step apart and approach the blond, who sets the handful of papers on the coffee table in the living room.

"The mail," He huffs, seeming to be annoyed as his gaze skims over the brunet at your side, though his entire demeanour shifts when he sees the breakfast you'd laid out earlier. "Wow, Y/N/N! You really outdid it!"

"Pssh!" You protest as you all take your unassigned-assigned seats around the round table, helping yourselves to the strawberries and pancakes. "I'm no chef compared to you, Stevie!"

"You are one hell of a good cook, Pal," Bucky chimes in, pouring himself a glass of watered down apple juice sitting in the pitcher before pouring yours as well.

"I'm not that good, you guys," The blond insists, cutting into his meal. "I just enjoy it, unlike either of you, so that's why you like my cooking. Because when I cook, you don't have to."


You just exchange a humoured look with your boyfriend before bursting into laughter.

"I mean, he's got a point!" You wheeze out in between fits of laughter as you finally begin to settle down, continuing to eat. "But that's not entirely true."

Steve just raises an eyebrow questioningly, beckoning for you to continue your explanation.

"Alright, alright," You hum lightly with a chuckle. "You're right. I like it when you cook because then I don't have to."

"Thank you," The blond nods stiffly with a humoured tone before the room falls silent as you all continue to eat breakfast.

"We goin' for that walk today?" Bucky muses aloud, breaking the quiet atmosphere that had settled as you all begin to clear your dishes away.

"Sure," You reply automatically, turning on the tap in the sink, placing the three plates and cups into the rising warm water. "I should pick up some groceries, too. We're all out of milk and flour."

"A grocery run it is, then," Your boyfriend smiles, turning towards your smaller friend. "You gonna join in on the fun?"

"Nah," Steve grins, plopping down on the couch. "I'll let you two love-birds have an afternoon to yourselves. Besides, I've been wanting to do some reading."

"Are you sure? You don't have to make excuses-"

"I'm positive. Just go have an afternoon to yourselves. You both deserve some time alone."

You can't help but allow a wave of thankfulness wash over you at Steve's words.

"Okay then," You murmur, turning back towards Bucky with a smile. "Just let me go get changed and then we can head out."

"Sounds good to me, doll," Comes the reply as you throw off your apron and scurry towards your room, rifling through your closet for something halfway nice looking to wear.


The skies above you and the man holding your hand are a rather somber grey.

But, the emotions between the two of you are the farthest thing from being gloomy.

"It looks like it might finally rain for you, love," Bucky hums from beside you, motioning to the larger and darker looking clouds beginning to roll in.

"It does," You muse in reply, a grin tugging at your lips as you meet his gaze. "You know, that would be nice. A walk in the rain."

"It would be cold," He chuckles, shaking his head with a content sigh. "You are certainly one interesting gal, you know."

"I know," You grin, taking his compliment to heart. "But that's why you love me!"

"Don't I know it," He murmurs, squeezing your hand gently before tossing you his familiar smirk you love so much.

Time passes as the pair of you stroll along the streets, chatting about every subject of conversation known to man.

Memories, ideas of the future...

"Would you ever want to leave here and move to somewhere more secluded?" Bucky inquires, earning a questioning glance from you as he continues.

"Like the country, maybe? We could build a nice house... live near the woods... just me and you."

Your heart flutters in your chest at his proposition, any sort of words drying up in your throat.

All you can do is slightly nod, a light blush beginning to surface on your cheeks as your thoughts continue to wander.

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