When he Yells at you Pt 1

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Y/n Pov
I sighed waiting on my husband of 2 years to come home. Lately he's been distant from me and I don't really know why. It's 6PM so I should start making dinner, while I was making it Jin called making me excited. "Hello?" I answered happily. "Don't wait for me I'll be home late." Hearing him saying this made me frown. "What about dinner? What are you gonna eat?" I asked sad. "Jimin bringing us food. Now I have to go bye." And with that he hung up the call. He didn't even say I love you I thought. I cooked me a little meal and watched tv. After I was done eating I washed the dishes and went to shower.

8:30 PM
I changed into jin's sweatshirt and underwear. I got bored so I started watching my favorite K-Drama. I was super bored so I called my friend V to come stay with me. After spending so much time together he went home. I looked at my phone. Holy crap its 1:am. As soon as I went to go upstairs I heard the front door open. I smiled and ran to jin hugging him. "Jinnie!" Only to find him pushing me off of him. "I Told you not to wait for me!" He yelled slightly, I backed away a little and responded "I was about to go to-" He cut me off. "You don't listen to me, I'm tried and don't feel like dealing with your crap. Damn Y/n you can't ever give me a break. I don't see you working hard for us. All you do is sit around. Sometimes I wanna break up with you!" He yelled at me. I started to tear up. "You wanna leave me?".

I'll upload part two soon... Stay tuned!
Follow my insta @joonie_bxbby

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