Gaurdian Angel - Simeon

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My brain went brr the entire time writing this I'm having some shitty writer's block.
I'm sorry that it's so trashy but I wanted to post something for Simeon's b-day week.

The entire day Simeon has been trying to think of ways to catch your attention. You've been pretty busy with student council work since Diavolo made you an official member, so he hasn't been able to talk to you properly for awhile. And it was quite tedious for him. The poor angel was harboring a crush on you for quite some time and he needed to get it off his chest. The problem is he didn't know how, and much less when.

"Hm...that is a bit of an issue." Asmo said.

" that's why I came to you for some advice." Simeon chuckled nervously.

"Well, you obviously came to the right person~" Asmo winked.

"Well, the first thing you need to know is that Y/n is going to be a bit busy today. But an hour or two after school, they're going to be completely free." Asmo smirked.

"That's wonderful but how should I ask them out?" Simeon said.

"You can ask Y/n to watch a movie with you. That way you two get all close and personal~" Asmo winked.

"Um..." Before Simeon could ask what he meant, the bell rang for lunch.

"Oh look at the time. If you want to ask Y/n out, you should do it by lunch. We usually eat lunch together with Satan and the twins." Asmo said.

"Ah...thank you Asmo." Simeon smiled a bit.

"No problem, darling!" Asmo waved goodbye before leaving.

Simeon took this new information he had gotten from Asmo and tried to put it into good use. He thought of a bunch of ways to tell you, but he couldn't quite figure out how. Should he be romantic, casual, or straightforward? He was so deep in thought he didn't even realize Luke was calling him.

"Simeon!!" Luke called out again. Simeon looked down at Luke slightly startled.

"I've been calling you over and over again." Luke pouted.

"Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't hear you." Simeon apologized.

"It's okay. But what's on your mind?" Luke asked.

"I want to ask Y/n out, but I'm not sure how..." Simeon chuckled nervously.

"Just be yourself! I'm sure however you ask Y/n, they'll be more than happy to go out with you." Luke said.

"Thank you, Luke. I'll do my best." Simeon smiled at the smaller angel.

"See? Even I can give out good advice! Anyways, I'm going to have lunch with Solomon and Barbatos." Luke said before running off.

He walked up to the table you were sitting at with the younger demon brothers. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. You noticed Simeon walking up to you from the corner of your eye. You looked up at him and waved at him, smiling.

"Hey, Simeon!" You said.

"Hello, Y/n." Simeon smiled.

Asmo looked at him with a smirk, then turned to his brothers and gave them a quick nod. They looked at one another and smiled. Beel was so immersed in eating his lunch he almost missed the signal.

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