Work - Diavolo

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Diavolo was swamped with work this particular day. He would usually be able to get it done without much issue, but for some reason, he couldn't focus at all. He was beginning to feel frustrated and desperate to finish his work.

He felt bad that he couldn't spend so much time with you because of his royal duties, but he was thankful that you understood and were very patient with him. Even if you missed spending some alone time with him, you never complained.

He decided that he couldn't take it anymore and needed to see you at that moment. And if he couldn't see you he wanted to at least hear your voice. He pulled his phone out and called you, anxiously tapping his pen on the desk as he waited for you to answer.

"Hello?" You answered. Diavolo let out a sigh of relief.

"My prince(ss)! I'm currently drowning in paperwork and I can't seem to focus...can you please come over and help me clear my mind?" He pleaded.

"...would Barbatos allow it?" You asked cautiously.

As much as you loved to see Diavolo, you didn't want to upset Barbatos. The last time you were caught, Barbatos and Lucifer scolded the two of you for hours.

"'re right. One moment." He said before hanging up.

He then called Barbatos and begged him to allow you to come over. Barbatos finally cracked, allowing you to visit for just a little bit.  Ecstatic, Diavolo called you right away, getting you to come over as fast as you could.

"Hello, Y/n." Barbatos greeted you by the door.

"Hi, Barbatos!" You smiled.

"Lord Diavolo is in his office. I'll prepare you two some tea." Barbatos said.

"Ah, Thanks Barb." You said before turning to Diavolo's office.

"Oh and Y/n?"


"Please do remind the young master to not get too distracted. He needs to turn in his paperwork by tomorrow." Barbatos said.

"I'll do my best." You chuckled nervously.

You knocked on his door and opened it, seeing Diavolo making a paper hat out of some scrap paper. He looked up at you like an excited puppy.

"You've arrived!" Diavolo smiled brightly.

"Haha hey, Dia." You waved a bit before walking over and kissing the side of his head.

" do have a lot of paperwork..." You frowned as you stared at the stack of papers on his desk.

"Yes...and I'm finding it rather difficult to get through it." Diavolo sighed.

"Hm...why don't I give you a shoulder massage and you can talk to me about your day? Just to let off some steam for a bit." You suggested.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Diavolo grinned. You helped Diavolo take off his coat and began to massage his broad shoulders.

As you did, he began to tell you about his day. He went on and on, you just listened contently, letting the demon prince vent out his problems.

"...and he put pickles in my lunch! Can you believe that? Barbatos honestly expected me to not see them." Diavolo complained. You chuckled a bit.

"Seems like you've had a long day." You said.

You placed your hands on his shoulders and pressed a soft kiss on his neck. He chuckled a bit before putting his pen down and turning to face you.

"Thank you, my darling..." He said before kissing you softly.

"Thank you for listening to me." He spoke gently.

"Anything for you." You chuckled.

You trailed kisses down from his cheek to his neck. He squirmed a bit as you found a ticklish spot. He tried his best not to laugh as you kept kissing the sensitive spot.

You heard a knock at the door. You quickly sat on a chair across from Diavolo's desk while Diavolo frantically grabbed some papers and pretended to look busy.

"My Lord? Your tea." Barbatos said as he entered the room.

"Ah, thank you Barbatos. You're very kind." Diavolo smiled. He hoped he didn't look too flustered as Barbatos looked down at him.

"Is everything alright here?" Barbatos raised a brow.

"Yes, we're perfectly fine! Y/n has been of great help to me." Diavolo said.

Barbatos looked at the two of you suspiciously before putting down the tray of tea and sweets on the table.

"Very well then. If you need anything else please tell me." Barbatos said before taking a bow.

He looked at the two of you one final time as a sort of warning before leaving. You and Diavolo let out a breath of relief. He then chuckled and shook his head. You walked over and sat on the armrest. Diavolo wrapped an arm around your waist so you wouldn't fall over.

"That was close." He giggled.

"I thought we were goners." You sighed.

"Thank you, darling...I'm feeling much more relaxed now." Diavolo smiled at you.

"I'm glad you do." You leaned down and kissed his lips gently. After breaking the kiss, he frowned a bit.

"I don't want you to leave just yet...would you let me be selfish and keep you here for a little longer?" He did his best puppy dog eyes, trying to convince you to stay.

" about every time you finish a paper, I give you a kiss?" You suggested.

"That would most certainly help!" He chirped. He dragged you down to his lap and hugged you tightly. You gasped in surprise but quickly got over it and snuggled up to him.

And as promised, you kissed him every time he finished a paper, causing him to finish in seconds flat. Barbatos came in to see Diavolo's progress and was astonished to see everything done while you were still sitting on his lap.

"My...already done with everything, my lord?" Barbatos asked.

"Yes! Y/n kept me quite motivated." Diavolo looked down at you and smiled.

"Hm...maybe next time we'll have Y/n come over again if the results are similar..." Barbatos said.

"Wonderful idea! Wouldn't you agree Y/n?" Diavolo held your hand and brushed his thumb against your knuckles.

"I like the sound of that..." You chuckled.

Only the future would know if Lucifer and Barbatos would come together and allow it though.

𝓞𝓫𝓮𝔂 𝓶𝓮! 𝓸𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora