three: candy

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Some days, Jeong-Soon wants to metamorphose into a rock

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Some days, Jeong-Soon wants to metamorphose into a rock.

Today is one of those days, when everything is just a little too annoying. His friends are too noisy, his girlfriend is too clingy, and his homework is too difficult. But if there's one thing Jeong-Soon's known for, it's keeping a cool head at all times, so he tries to block the world's tomfoolery out and focus on the sums spread before him.

"You can do that tonight, come on," Dillon whines, tugging at Jeong-Soon's sleeve.

"Mia's coming over tonight. I don't want to have to do homework while she hangs out with me," Jeong-Soon replies. Although his girlfriend may be overly attached at times, he still likes her enough to want uninterrupted private time with her.

"No problem, dude. She can come over to mine instead." Dillon laughs at his own joke, and Jeong-Soon gives him a smile for his efforts. "Seriously, you can do that after school."

"I have music class."


"It's two weeks overdue."


"Ms Eliza's threatening to call my parents."

"Joke's on her, then," Dillon says, eyes twinkling behind his thick wire-frames. "Because you don't---" Then his smile drops off his face, sinking into the unspoken list of untouchable topics. Dead parents is at the top of said list, along with pineapple on pizza (Dillon hates it, Jeong-Soon worships it) and whether Lana Delgado is hot or not (she's definitely hot, but being exes with her has made Dillon bitter). "Right. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Jeong-Soon bites his lip. Every time someone brings it up, the crunch of metal and rubber and glass still fills his ears. He pushes his exercise book away. "You're right. I can do it later."

"Awesome!" Dillon pumps a fist in the air. "I'll go tell the guys! We're bound to win with you on our team!"

Once Dillon's out of sight, Jeong-Soon lets out a quiet sigh. It's a common misconception that tall people are better at basketball, but unfortunately for him, he seems to fit that sterotype perfectly. Which sucks, because he'd rather spend his free periods doing something other than tossing an orange ball into a hoop.

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