ten: crown

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Gregory hears it before he sees it

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Gregory hears it before he sees it.

The pitchy whistle of a shooting star hits him before red rope curls around his right wrist, twisting so hard it digs into the skin painfully. He feels his hand being yanked forward, then the red rope shifts its attention to his waist, pinning his free arm to his side as it wraps around him like a vice.

"Motherfucker---" Gregory has time to blurt out, right before the rope coils around Jeong-Soon's waist, yanking them together. Gregory bites back a curse when he finds his face instantly crushed into Jeong-Soon's hard chest as the rope starts on their legs, tying them together neatly.

The world dissolves into oblivion, leaving behind just the two of them. Gregory's instantly reminded of the cliché Diva Christmas movies he hates so much. He'd never been able to appreciate how the dog's leash had always conveniently been able to tie the main couple together. Why did I ever mock those stupid shows?

He can't move.

His fingers twitch at his side, helpless. Gregory's senses come back to him in a rush, and he's suddenly acutely aware of everything around him. The soft, almost inaudible profanities falling from Jeong-Soon's mouth. Their incredible proximity, pressed face to chest. His own heartbeat, bass thrumming in his ears, hot and heavy and desperate. And then there's how good Jeong-Soon smells, like fresh clothes and the slightest hint of pineapple.

The scarlet rope clings tight to him. It doesn't feel like rope.

"Those stupid headphones! Aren't they wireless?" Jeong-Soon yelps, and everything finally clicks together in Gregory's head. Wire. Of course. The dig of the tie against his skin, too harsh and thin and smooth to be rope. The headphones. The fucking headphones! Anger floods his mind, followed by the shocking balm of relief. He's being tortured by them too. I wasn't hallucinating. I wasn't hallucinating.

I'm not crazy!

"I'm so sorry!" Jeong-Soon's desperate voice breaks through Gregory's thoughts, and he realises that Jeong-Soon is actually struggling against their bonds. He should be relieved. But something in his empty heart aches, followed by a stab of embarrassment when he becomes way too fucking aware that Jeong-Soon's squirming has led to his thigh against Gregory's groin, and that his stupid dick is responding in the worst way possible.

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