Chapter 25:

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"How could you do this to us again?" My dad stood tall while he screamed at me in the living room. He was pulling his tie from his suit furiously and then threw it to the ground.

"Those aren't mine. I swear I do not know how they got in my room." I knew I had messed up a lot in the past, but why didn't they believe me?

I was almost killed tonight by a masked assailant and I was the one sitting here on trial all because I made bad choices in the past. I wasn't her anymore. I wasn't that person.

I was better. I was good now.

I looked back over at Cam, who was leaning against the doorway with his hand on his belt. He had told everyone else that he had this under control and asked them not to write anything up about what happened. Kelly protested and fought him on it until Ron swooped in to save the day. She wanted to charge me with possession of an illegal substance and take me into custody. Ron got her to back down and sent her on her merry way.

Ron called down to the station and made something up about Cam getting sick on the job. He told them that he had gone home for the night to sleep it off. Cam immediately called my parents to explain to them what happened. Cam sent Ron away after everything was under control and stayed here with me until my parents got home.

Cameron stood there staring at me without saying another word for almost half an hour before my dad and mom burst through the door.

My dad was furious and screaming at anyone in his path, which included my mom. He was taking his anger about the situation out on everyone in the room. He even yelled at Cam once or twice for just being there.

"Jessa, stop lying." Dad accused me.

"I am not lying. I haven't been taking anything I shouldn't. The only thing I have taken tonight is my meds." I defended myself.

"Then what the fuck are these?" Dad picked up one of the random bottles off the table and threw it at me.

I grabbed the bottle off my lap and read the label. The prescription said it belonged to a Heather Klowitz. It was for Adderall, which was something my doctor had specifically said to avoid. Stimulants with my version of bipolar disorder were a huge no-no. Even just half a pill could send me flying high again.

Where the hell did this come from? Why were they in my room? Am I going crazy again and didn't even know it?

Was I losing time again and doing things to sabotage myself?

"I have never seen these before." I sat there with my mouth hanging open in shock.

My mom's sobs from the hallway overtook the tense room. She was staring at me with tears pouring down her face. She ran up the stairs without even saying a word to me. Dad's head snapped in her direction and then turned back to glare down at me. He shook his head and ran his hands through his dark salt and pepper hair.

"Jessa, I will not let you put your mother through this again. She has been through too much already." My Dad said before storming out of the room to chase after her.

I didn't do this. Please, somebody believe me.

"Cameron." My dad called from the top of the stairs a few minutes later. He looked up and began walking upstairs towards him. His work boots were thudding up each step slowly. It reminded me of the person pounding on my door trying to get in.

I laid down on the couch and curled up into a ball to try to block out the noise. The little prescription bottles were sitting on the coffee table in front of me. There were about fifteen of them, all with different names and drugs inside. These were never in my room. I would have known if I had them there. They would have haunted me in my dreams as they called out in the dark for me to take them.

I know I purged my life of all of this as soon as I got out of the center. If they were mine, they would have never been sitting in plain view for everyone to see. I was better at hiding my addiction than that.

This was all wrong.

"Go upstairs and get your things, Jessa," Cam commanded from the bottom of the steps.

"Why?" I asked suspiciously. Was he going to take me back to the facility? My chest started tightening and my body went cold. I started struggling to breathe. It felt like there was a steel anvil on my body, pressing me into the couch. It was trying to grind me down until there was nothing left of me but little specs of dust.

"Your parents are really upset right now. Your dad asked me to let you come stay with me tonight. Get up and go get your things now." He clenched his jaw as he looked down at me.

I stood up from the couch and wiped the tears from my face. My body was trembling violently as I struggled to walk towards him. I held onto the banister and took each stair carefully as my legs tried to give out on me. Cameron placed his hand on the small of my back to help keep me steady as he walked up the steps slowly behind me.

Cameron guided me back into my bedroom and sat me down on the bed. I began to stand up and he pushed me back down. He gave me a warning glare when I attempted to do it again.

"I thought you said I needed to pack some things," I questioned.

He walked over to my closet and opened it to pull out a duffle bag. He unzipped every pocket and turned them inside out. He placed it on my dresser and began opening my drawers to stuff clothes in the bag.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"If you are staying with me, you will not be bringing anything into my house. I am going to pack your bag to be sure." He said harshly. He shoved the bag full of my pajamas, tank tops, and shorts until it almost wouldn't zip up.

How long was he planning on me staying with him?

When he finally closed the bag, I cleared my throat to get his attention.

"What?" He snapped at me.

"I think I might need some panties and a couple of bras too. Unless you don't think I need them at your house." I swallowed.

He closed his eyes and began digging through my underwear drawer, pulling random things out. He opened his eyes when he picked up a pair with hot pink fuzzy balls on them. He looked confused as he studied them.

"I hate those too. They leave pink furballs all over the washer." My mom said from the doorway.

Cameron turned blood red, dropped them back in the drawer, and shut it.

My mom walked over and pushed him out of the way to help finish packing my bag. She opened the bag, pulled out some of the less practical items, and replaced them with more suitable options. She walked into my bathroom and came back with her arms full of my deodorant, shampoo, toothbrush, and anything else she thought I might need. She even brought a few tampons to stick them in the bag just in case.

Cam blushed when he saw those too.

The last thing she did was grab my medication bottles and read the labels to make sure she had the right ones before sticking them in my bag.

"Cameron, she has four pills and she takes all of them three times a day. Make sure she takes them as evenly spread apart as possible." My mom began explaining to him like I couldn't take care of myself.

"I'll make sure she takes them, Mrs. Miller." Cameron nodded.

"Sometimes she gets a little tired right after taking them and will fall into a heavy sleep. They can also be harsh on an empty stomach. She always does better with them if she drinks a glass of milk or orange juice before taking them. If she forgets to eat and starts to complain about an upset stomach, it usually helps her relax if you rub her belly."

"Mom!" I screeched.

"Please take care of my girl, Cameron." My mom's lip was quivering and she hugged him before leaving the room.

"Come on, Jess. Time to go home." Cameron slung the bag over his shoulder and took my hand in his.

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