15. Chase

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Kyle grabbed a plasma caster off of one of the guards in the room and shot in the direction of the shooter spotting someone moving Kyle jumped out of the cracked window falling with shattered glass down into a pool of water swimming towards the shooter while Ua'sa checked if his father was fine

Leader: did he just jump fifty nok Ua'sa: um yes?

Meanwhile Kyle ran after the shooter as it jumped from branch to branch Kyle thought about what might happen now since he did that, the shooter tried to shoot Kyle but missed Kyle shot back missing but hitting the branches above it this allowed him to keep up for a few miles until a branch hit the shooter it missed it's landing but caught onto the branch Kyle took the chance to shoot the branch getting it to fall to the ground hitting a few more branches before hitting the ground with a big thud Kyle ran towards it as it got up looking at it as it's cloak dropped finding it to be another Yautja it tried to grab something but stopped when Kyle pointed the plasma caster at it both hands on the weapon showing he would not hesitate to shoot it if he had to

Kyle: why did you try and assassinate the clan leader like that ???: why should I tell anything to an Ooman of no importance like yourself Kyle: well because I have the gun pointed at you not the other way around plus I could just shoot your legs and wait for those other Yautja to deal with you when they get here ???: to this clan I'm considered an Ic'jit all because I know something about the clan leader as he lied to everyone about a lot of things and has been keeping his position through other means he is dishonourable Kyle: why ???: he doesn't follow the way of the Yautja we have a code we stick to and he isn't following it he has done-

Kyle heard a noise wanting to take a quick glance for only the bad blood to charge releasing its blades but Kyle was able to shoot its foot making it fall to the ground pointing the gun at it as two Yautja arrive but instead of grabbing the Bad Blood they grabbed Kyle like he was doing something wrong he tried to tell them that he wasn't the one they needed to catch the Ic'jit was about to go free before Ua'sa and his father showed up telling the two what happened they let Kyle go and grab the Ic'jit the three look at it as they dragged it away unsure what would happen now Kyle looked back to the two unsure

Leader: you two throw the Ic'jit into the palace dungeon and keep her there (towards Kyle) well I see why you want him to be like us able to handle a lot Including an Ic'jit which I'm a little surprised by but he won't be trained by anyone if you want him to know our ways you will need to train him yourself son I permit you to do so but in your own time in other times he will be your servant he will look after you but will also be your protector those will be his only jobs you will have to teach him in both ways of our code Ua'sa: thank you father I will show you that he will be a new member of the clan Leader: he has shown that he can prove that he can do a lot so there is no need to thank me but you both should get some rest after your long journey

Ua'sa didn't seem as happy as Kyle thought he would be while Kyle on the other hand was thinking about what is going on in the clan and whether he would be killed or was fine thinking about what the Ic'jit had said about the clan leader but once the two had walked up to the palace again Kyle dropped it feeling a little better now starting to think about what the training will be like and if he would be able to do it

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