21. Plan

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It had been five months since the two started to take the plant from the preppers now knowing that the Clan would be out of the control of the clan leader in a day they knew now would be the time to act Kyle had thought about how to do this right since they would have to act tonight Ua'sa didn't want Kyle to go with him when he did this but Kyle refused to stay on the side lines while he did this Ua'sa tried to tell him he could die but Kyle didn't care at all he did feel like that when they were walking into the pyramid after dealing with another swap even if he spent over a year in the place Kyle couldn't shake his fear but acted like nothing was wrong even if they came up with a good plan they knew it may not work Kyle knew this all too well they walked down the halls noting how many guards there were entering the throne room seeing him sitting working on something as Ua'sa just stood in front of him not bowing he looked up at us

Leader: not bowing huh well that can mean a few things Ua'sa: I think you know which one that is don't you Leader: so you know huh how did you find out anyway Kyle: a bit of information was dropped on us about what your doing and thanks to my studies I know about the plant and we just wanted to ask you politely to stop all of this Leader: ha as if I would do you know what I was before... I used to be a weakling I was hurt I got abused while everyone else ignored me but after I found the flower I am the king of all of them I get to abuse them Kyle: so this is revenge Leader: for some reason it didn't work on you Ua'sa somehow your body rejected the original stuff but I have been working on a new type that's five times stronger it will allow me to take control of anyone and I have implemented it into the food supply but still you did your own hunting and prepping Ua'sa: heh what do you expect I am Dhi'rauta (cunning) Kyle: and I know he's stronger than you he grew to be better while you did the wrong stuff now final, final chance step down and stop this Leader: ha ha ha

Before the two could do anything to him guards entered and grabbed them pushing them down to their knees they tried to tell them what was going on but everything they said wasn't going in it was like the lights were on but no one was home figuring he must have given them a strong dose Ua'sa's dad walked over to Kyle

Leader: I should have made you my slave instead I mean you are very loyal to my son why is that Kyle: cause he saved my life I may not have said this but I am in his debt

Ua'sa looked over at him unsure why he didn't say that before the two were moved down to the dungeons being thrown in hitting the ground hard being in a separate cell from Ua'sa Kyle looked around the cell seeing a metal bed with the normal toiletries for a cell he started to look around as Ua'sa just sits in his cell he looked at the door seeing that it was a physical door with hinges so he knew what to do seeing as he had been in a tight spot like this

Ua'sa: why didn't you tell me that's why you were sticking around Kyle: cause it was a lie I stick with you because I see you as a friend and right now you need help I never leave a friend in need no matter what happens Ua'sa: I'm sorry Kyle: for? Ua'sa: for bringing you here I thought you would be fine here and that you wouldn't end up like this I hoped that we would be going through normal life but I was wrong Kyle: don't worry about it, it seems trouble always follows me around and I will get us out of here you got that

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