Chapter 2

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"I don't care what you say, I know what I saw." Nancy ranted in front of Captain Radkey's desk. "He had a sword shoved clear through his chest," She threw her hands in the air then planted them both on her chest as if she were holding a sword. "I saw it go through him. But he didn't even seem to notice. He knocked Marcus back, then came over to me and yanked it out as if it were a splinter in his finger...

"And that's when you passed out?" Radkey asked.

"Hey, anyone would have fainted after what I saw. This has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a woman."

"That you are my dear." A voice from the door brought her head around.

"What is he doing here?" Nancy jerked a thumb over her shoulder.

"Oh, I'm just here to collect the bounty for one Marcus Brando, and I'll be out of your hair, for now." She stepped away from the Captain's deck as Ezekiel approached.

"Oh, don't worry so much Lieutenant, he doesn't bite..." Captain Radkey began only to be interrupted.

"Unless I'm asked." Fortune gave a half bow before settling into one of the seats on the other side of the Captain's large oak top desk. Nancy took the other, glad they were spaced well apart.

"Are you sure you saw what you think you saw. I mean, does he look like he's been stabbed? The medics told me you had quite the bump on your head when they found you. Your mind could have made the whole thing up. Stranger things have happened to people in this job."

"No Captain, I know what I saw," she pointed over at Ezekiel who sat with an amused smile on his face. "He was stabbed, right after I saw a blinding light come from a small bag he threw at Marcus's feet. Something strange went down in that attic, and I would like to lead a team back there to investigate what exactly happened."

Captain Radkey raised his hand. "CSI has already gone over that attic with their fine tooth combs. Nothing happened that would contradict Ezes story."

"Which is?" She looked over at the dark haired man, one eyebrow cocked.

"I made it to the attic just as my mark was about to bolt. After a struggle and a weak flash grenade I brought him down to the officers outside, then went back up and carried you down from the attic. A trick I might add that isn't as easy as it would seem. That collapsible staircase was really narrow." He rubbed his right elbow. "I think I hit my elbow on the way down with you. But I will say, I'm glad you work out, if you weighted anymore I might have dropped you."

"You see what I'm dealing with here, I mean, he acts like a child." Nancy fumed in her seat, shooting mental daggers at Fortune.

"Are you saying you're not up for being his liaison with the department? You jumped at the chance to get away from that desk they had planted you behind."

"No!" Nancy responded maybe a bit too forcefully. "I'm fine where I am. It's just I've only been on this assignment for six days, I think I just need time to get used to how things are." She shot a pointed glance at Fortune.

"That's what I like to hear. Now, Eze, I just had something come across my desk that might interest you. A Jonas Anderson, small time mob enforcer from out in southern California. Moved in a couple months back and has been lying low ever since. Every time our guys get close, he's gone. We even had one of our beat cops try to tell us he saw him sprout wings and fly from the back of a dead-end alley."

"What's the bounty?"

"Thirty thousand, city hall wants this guy off the streets ASAP. They don't want criminals from across the country thinking they can set up shop here any time they want to."

"Why call me in, there's a lot more of you then there are of me." Ezekiel pointed at himself then over to Daniels.

"Oh, very funny," she quipped. "But this guy's already put four officers in the hospital. Since you seem to be sword proof, or whatever you are, you do seem like the best choice."

"Look, lady, I'm not bullet proof. You hit your head after you tripped coming up those last few steps. For a police officer you sure don't seem very coordinated."

"Why you egotistical, pig headed, sloppy dressing, brainless, jerk!" Nancy shook with rage. How dare this man call her uncoordinated?

"Who are you calling a sloppy dresser? I love the way I dress, and I'm the only one who counts." Ezekiel turned to the Captain. "I must have hit a soft spot. Are you sure you want her working with me, remember what happened with the last one?"

"I am quite aware of the problems you had with detective Florence." Radkey turned his gaze to Daniels. "And I'm sure nothing like that will happen with you, will it?"

Nancy looked from one man to the other. She had no knowledge of what transpired between Fortune and his last partner. It had been none of her business, now it seemed as it had.

"I'll have you know I took the precinct's first place in martial arts last year." She growled, grinding her teeth.

"Ohhhh, I'd love to spar you some time. I'm sure you could teach me a thing or two on the mat." Ezekiel raised both of his eyebrows three times in rapid succession. Loving to see Daniels boil in her seat.

"Enough you two, I don't know what I need more, a tazer, or a paddle..."

"I know who could use the paddle." Nancy growled under her breath."

"Promises, promises." Fortune winked.

"That will be all detective Daniels. Start your search with the last place Jonas was seen. From their the last people who have seen him."

"Thanks Captain, but I do know how to do my job." She stood, making a point to walk with long, sure strides over to Eze's chair. "Even though I can't trust my own eyes sometimes." She didn't give him a chance to respond, just turned on her heels and walked out, putting a little more sway to her hips than normal as she walked out of the Captain's office.

"You're going to have to watch this one. She's one of the finest detectives I've ever trained."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Yeah, it is, to a point. What I'm saying is she won't be swayed easily like the last one was. once she gets a scent, she's like a blood hound. She won't stop until she's found what she's looking for, even if it kills her."

"As I recall from the file you gave me on her, it almost did the last time. I'll be careful, thanks." Ezekiel stood to leave.

"I don't think you understand. We can play it off, but she knows what she saw, and no one, not you or me is going to be able to convince her otherwise. If she finds out what you really are. Radkey dropped his gaze. "Look, I don't know why you're even doing what you do. But I do think it helps, just as my father did, and his father before him and so on. But if she finds this out there will be hell to pay."

"I know, but this is the only way I can do some good, while playing with the devil."

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