Chapter 4

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"So, did you find anything?" Nancy asked.

"What? You barge into my house, accuse me of stealing, and you think I'm just going to sit down  and have a pleasant conversation." Fortune still stood at the door and began to motion for her to leave.

Now it was Nancy's turn to be surprised. "I asked you a question, did you find anything?"

"And I decline to answer said question." He walked over to stand right in front of her, his sculpted chest mere inches from her face. "You don't have the right to barge into my house and question me. If you want the file, take it. But if you want a conversation with me, then be polite and ask." Ezekiel stepped to the side and swung his arm to point the way to the door.

Nancy was shocked, she knew this guy was strange, but she hadn't known him to be a self-centered jerk. In her experience, most guys wanted to let women into their houses. If nothing else than to think they had a chance of getting between their legs. So when she was shooed outside she couldn't even come up with a comeback to throw at him.

"Now, if you would like to come in and talk, all you have to do is ask." With an elaborate flourish, the file was tucked under her arm and Ezekiel walked back into his house, the door closing behind him.

Nancy stood there for what seemed like an hour but was only two minutes. Ever since she'd gotten her figure at about fourteen, there had never been a man who'd kicked her out of his place. Sure, she'd kicked plenty of guys out of her place, but that's what's supposed to happen. A guy comes on too strong you break his fingers and throw him out. But this, this was different.

"Hey, I was just coming over to talk, "She said through the door. "They won't let me drop this assignment so we're going to have to work together on this." She waited for the count of ten until her lack of patience won out over her struggle to remain calm.

"No, by what you just said, you have to work with me, not the other way around. I do just fine on my own thank you very much."

"Open up or I'll have you arrest for stealing police property!"

"If you're trying to use your womanly charms to get back inside, you're doing a poor job. Or is it you don't have any charms?" The voice came from just over her head, but when she looked up all she saw was the tattered edge of a piece of cloth gliding over the roof edge.

Her hand stopped an inch from the door, her fist clenched to strike when an icy sensation shot down her spine. Ice water flowed into her veins, her mind going back to the attic. The sword protruding from his chest and his back. On unsteady legs Nancy began to back away from the door, her eyes going everywhere to survey her surroundings. So she nearly jumped out of her skin when the door opened and a grinning Ezekiel stepped out.

"If we have to work together, we might as well act as adult as possible." Nancy took a step back before gathering herself and striding briskly through the door. She'd show him she wasn't scared of him or anything else. But damn, he had a chest you just wanted to run your hands all over.


"Excuse me?"

"You asked me if I'd found anything, that's my answer."

"Then why'd you take the file? You had to think you'd find something."

"Not really, I just wanted to see if I could do it. You know, you guys need tighter security. It's shameful how easy it was to get that file out from under your noses." He walked over to his fridge. "You want a soda, or some juice?"

"I'll take a beer."

"Sorry, I don't drink alcohol. I've seen way too many people get in way too much trouble because of the stuff, trust me."

Nancy was stunned. This man had all the indicators of the classic red neck. Every time she'd seen him, he was dressed in either a t-shirt or flannel and blue or black jeans. For Christ's sake, he even drove a pickup. In her book you didn't get much more red neck than that. All he needed to do was start with the hyuck, hyuck, and spitting chewing tobacco and the picture she had in her head would be complete.

But what about beer, every red neck she'd ever seen on television could and often did drink themselves into an alcohol induced stupor even when the occasion didn't call for it? So what was up with this guy?

Nancy watched as Ezekiel turned from the fridge door with two bottles tucked neatly between the finger of his right hand and she forgot about her questions. His jet black hair was pulled back into a short pony tail that didn't come to his shoulders. The three-day-old stubble only brought into finer focus the jaw line sharp enough it could have been used as a meat saw. His piercing green eyes stood in stark contrast to his short cropped black hair. They seemed to pin her to the couch on which she had seated herself and hold her there while he covered the distance between them.

"So how are we going to find Jonas? He hasn't been seen in over a week. I think he's lying low because we got to close the last time." She looked sidelong at Fortune, hoping he had an idea.

"He a creature of habit, I'll scout out some of his hang outs. I'm sure something will turn up."

"When do you want to meet?" Nancy asked.

"Oh no, this one has me riding solo. The places I'll be going will have you pegged as bacon long before breakfast."

"What do you mean by that? I do know what I'm doing, undercover training is standard for all officers who try to make detective right?" She puffed out her chest a bit as she spoke.

"Yes, I do, but." Ezekiel looked her up and down. "But your face has been all over these places by now, you walk in to any of these establishments and you won't walk out with your virtue intact, let alone your life." He smiles at her. "But I will try to get you some pictures."

"You are the strangest man I've ever met!" Nancy huffed, jumped to her feet, and stormed towards the front door. "I hope you have a nice evening!" She screamed before slamming it behind her.

"I thought she'd never leave." Ezekiel slumped back into the cushions.

"Well, I like her." Morrigan's voice floated to him again in the silence. 

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