Chapter 41

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I know you are dying to have Damien POV but I decided to make Mikaila POV instead.

You know as a girl I can really feels what she feels. Hehehhe.. 

But don't worry Damien will come again.. 

He will come...

Mikaela POV

"Mom I already told you I am telling the truth! We break up yesterday ok? So calm down" I said as I massage my scalp. Yesterday and today I felt like the world is against me.


Today as I went to school. Of course no matter what happened I will never faltered nor break down. It's enough yesterday night that I feel weak, hurt and pain. I will never take this to the extent of breaking myself and leave my studies behind. I am not that weak being. I will fight no matter what.

That's why I said to myself before I went to school but just when I got there. As if his rubbing it to my face that he can replace me in no time, that he can have a girl at anytime. He shamelessly parading himself with a girl.

It's hurt like hell. But I never let him see that he succeeded. I proudly walking down the hallway without bothering to take a glance to him or any of his friends.

Blake tried to talk to me but I shake my head. There is no used to talk about it. At first it will be painful but soon the pain will go away and that time I will never let anyone enter. I will close my door to anyone other than my  best friend Lila and Laura.

After the class over I hurried went outside and go home but not before I excuse myself to Lila and Laura who wants to have girl time with me. I shake my head and declined there offer politely.

"I need to answer my assignment Li and Lau!" I said and thank goodness they both understand.

When I reached my dorm I went to the washroom and clean myself. Then prepay myself to study and answer my assignment.

After I spend two hours of non stop reading and studying. My phone rings and I saw my mother name flash on it.

"Are you sure?" She said bringing me back to the reality.

"Yes mom 100% sure. So you don't have to worry about me!" I answered her.

"Ok, you need to be here tomorrow. Me and your dad planning to celebrate our anniversary with you. Please come home. You been away from us for almost four months. And we have a lot of things to talk about!" She said and I groaned.

"Ok mom!"

"Are you sure sweetheart?" She asked me and I mentally said to myself I will be ok.

"Yes mom I will be there this day. I will pack my things starting after our call!" I answered her.

I think it's a good thing to have some time off anyway. And going home will be the best option for that.

"Ok ok...let's hung up now. I will tell your father. And drive safely dear!" She said to me but not after she said " I love you sweetheart!"

"I love you too Mom!" I answy her and hung up.

After packing, since I didn't see Lila. I called her so I can let her know that I will be going home tonight. Thankfully after three rings she answered my call.


"Li... I just want to let you know I will going home for a couple of days. My parents asked me to come home!" I told her.

"Owww... When will you get back?" She asked me.

"I don't know depend on the circumstances. I will text or call to inform you Li!" I said to her.

"Ohhhh... Do you really have to?" She asked me softly. I know she's feeling sad right now.

"Yes! I need to. Anyway can you copy a notes for me? Please." I said

"Yup!" She said to me and we both hang up.

I double checked my belongings and look myself in the mirror. I wear my usual clothes today.

I went to my car and I glanced at my watch

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I went to my car and I glanced at my watch. I still have ample time to drive my way home. Having dinner at my house with a home made meal cooked  by my mom is the greatest! I excitedly drive and turn off my phone.

Since I am going to take off I decided to turn off my phone till I will go back here. Anyway other than Lila she's the only one who will message me right?

I stopped at the convenience store to buy chocolate chip cookies and coke. I am starving now. Last night and this morning I only eat small amount. So I happily munch down the food and after that I drive again.

Not for long I reached my famy house. I saw a familiar simple house which I grow up. A lot of memories in there. The gate open and set myself in. When I park my car I saw my parents already in front and wave at me.

" Sweetheart!" My mom greeted me and hurriedly hugged her.

"Mom...!" I said as I hugged.

"We missed you so much sweetheart!" My dad joined us.

"Let's get this inside, so we can talk much better ok?" My dad suggested and I happily nodded.

I know there something wrong going on. My mother will never insist or demand me to come home. But anyway I will savor the moment with my family for now. The problems will come later. I said and as I smiled to them.

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