Chapter 48

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Damien POV

Today, I was greeted by my baby girl and said she wanted me to bake her strawberry tart cake. I blinked my eyes few times, cause I can't believe I heard her said that. But no, it's true! She even smiled at me sweetly till I turn my back and excitedly jogged to my dorm.

So as I in my processed of baking the cake. I happily waited it from the oven to be done. When I heard the sound of "ting" I quickly pick it. I designed it and proudly put it in the box so I can present it to my baby doll.

I reached to her dorm quickly and I heard her voice talking animeticaly with her best friend Lila

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I reached to her dorm quickly and I heard her voice talking animeticaly with her best friend Lila.

"Baby doll!" I said as called her.

The door opened and I saw my baby doll smiling consciously at me.

It's been one month passed since that unfaithful incident happened. She said she won't take me back and happily wanted to be free for now. Which I respected, but every time I saw her I can't help to feel the sudden urge to have her. My heart can't stopped beating and wants her in every way possible.

Because of that I turn into complete stalker to her. I will always appeared wherever she is. In order not to pissed her off, I will always maintain my distance.

Sometimes I saw other guys approached her, I will threatened them after she turned her back at them. Thankfully, she didn't give them a chance. Every damned time that happened I will always get anxious and afraid that she will fall for one of them. I really can't afford that to happen.

"Here's the cake you requested!" I said as I made my way inside and prepare the cake for her and Lila.

"It's taste delicious thank you!" She said to me.

Then Blake came and we talked for awhile. He bring the topic of the holiday vacation and asked the girls what are there plans for it.

"I will go home to my parents house and spend my holiday there!" She said and I looked at her shocked and anxiety came over me.

What about me? I wanted to asked her. But I know I don't have the right to say that to her nor asked her what about me?

She the suddenly asked consent to leave and want to go to her room to study.

After contemplating and battling within myself I finally decided to knock on her door. Thank goodness she answered "come in" and I happily obliged to go inside.

"What is it?" She asked me as she put away her books as she sense me something off on me.

"Can come with you in your holiday vacation?" I asked her nervously while can't help to fidgeting my fingers while looking down.

"Huh?" She gaped looking at me like she can't believed what I told her.

"Can I come with you in your vacation?" I asked her once again.

"No! I mean my parents will never like it. Especially me bringing a boy home!" She said and I can't help to feel sad.

"You can tell them I am your friend?" I said as I tried to pursue her.

"No! My parents won't buy it. I don't have much friends especially a boy! They will freaked out when they saw you with me!" She said at me.

"But....!" I said as I can't help my tears to fell down.

We both fell to silence and all the sound that can be heard is the sound of me holding my sobbing.

"Look how about this!" She said to me as she gulped really hard and I saw how she battling to herself.

"hmmmm .. After the vacation over we can try to date again!" When she blurted out the word date again, my heart leaps and I can't help to launch myself to her.

"Really? As in?? Your giving me another chance?" I said. As I tilted my head slightly so I can face and eye contact her but still holding her.

"Hmmmm... Last chance!" She said and I can't help but to smile. I don't care if it's one last chance. At least she's giving me another one, that's enough for me.

"Yewssssss!" I said and I can't help my tears to fall down. It's a tears of joy after all.

"But I have one condition to that!" She said as she wiggle her finger at me.

"Tell me!" I demanded

"Attend practice again in football team. At least complete the year and be the captain till you graduate! With that you don't have to come to me in my home town!" She said, then paused but it makes me sad. I want to go with her .

" But!" She said while leave the word hanging making me excited and nervous at the same time.

"But!???!" I inquired

"If we last longer I will make you meet my parents after you graduate!" This makes me tear up more.  " And when I come this holiday I will tell my parents about us!" She said. As if I don't have intention of making this relationship last long. I will make sure of it. I already plan what to do so she can't leave me anytime.

"Thank you!" I said "Can I kiss you?" I said while I want her to be comfortable to me again, so I asked permission first.

"Go wash and meet me after one hour. How about a date?" I can dance because if joy after what she said. She's asking me for a date? My baby doll would never do such a thing.

"Yes! I will tell Blake and my teammates!" I said as I hurriedly went out but before I could make myself out from the room. I pivoted and give her a quick kissed to her lips. Leaving her speechless I walked and before I can close the door I blow a kiss for her making her smile at me.

I am so excited for my date with my baby doll. I went out from the dorm happily exited but not before I barge on Lila's room I saw not so naked Blakey and he glared at me.

Oops 😬😬😬! Wrong timing!

"What?" He glared as he fastly covered Lila from my vision line of sight.

"Guess what?" I grinned

"Stop beating around the bush and tell us. Can't you see we are busy?" He snapped while looking at me expectantly.

"My babydoll gives me another chance. Hahahah... Finally I am not single again!" I announced to them. Then I leave the room so they can continue what to do. Hahahah

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