77. The Sea of Uncertainty

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Ron recovered remarkably fast. Madam Pomfrey believed it was because Harry had managed to pin the bezoar into his mouth so quickly; it had not given the poison any time to surge completely through Ron's body. However, despite his speedy recovery, Ron wasn't allowed to play in the upcoming Gryffindor-Hufflepuff Quidditch match. Madam Pomfrey insisted he should not overexert himself, and apparently playing Quidditch fell under the tab of overexertion, so he was out for an undetermined amount of time.

   Much to Cassie's displeasure, Mclaggen took over as Ron's substitute. Harry, fortunately, told off Mclaggen every chance he got and was forced to continuously remind the boy that it was Harry who was captain, not Mclaggen, regardless of what Mclaggen may have believed.

   "I really think we ought to invest in some different uniforms and protective gear for our Chasers." Mclaggen, in spite of his deep hatred for Cassie (that was mutual on both sides) had decided that it was her he needed to convince in order to make some fundamental changes to the team. "You know, the brown padding is great and all, but it's not very effective. I think–"

   "Shut up and put on your gear, Mclaggen," Cassie muttered, throwing his helmet to him with a little more force than was probably necessary. He stumbled back; she smirked. Her attention was suddenly drawn to where had Harry stormed in. "Harry, where have you been?"

"Trailing Malfoy," he said in a low voice once she had approached. At her shocked expression, he only nodded grimly. "He's skipping this match, too. Isn't it fishy? Skipping two Quidditch matches in a row?"

   "Maybe a bit," Cassie admitted, biting her lip. "But we shouldn't focus on that now. We've got a match to win – You've got a pep talk to give."

"Right," said Harry distractedly, turning to face his team. "Hey, everyone. Well.. good luck out there, I know we've got the skills to beat Hufflepuff. Let's go."

"How encouraging, Harry," said Ginny, rolling her eyes and swinging her broom over her shoulder to follow the captain onto the field. Cassie did the same, though she now couldn't help but wonder what it was that had Malfoy so busy that he couldn't even fit bullying the Gryffindors into his schedule. Well, whatever, Cassie thought, she had a game to win.

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"That could not have gone worse."

   Cassie sat with her head in her hands – knuckles red and bruised from hitting a stray Bludger with her bare hands and blocking it from hitting an off-guard Ginny. Harry, however, hadn't been as lucky when it came to someone saving him from the wrath of a Bludger; he was struck right upside the head with one of Mclaggen's.

   "I'm going to pummel that git right back to where he came from," said Cassie now, glaring at Harry's unconscious figure on the hospital bed before her.

   "Mclaggen's been taken care of, Cassie," Ginny announced as she entered the hospital wing. She made sure to thump her brother on the head in passing before taking a seat next to Cassie. "Dean's told him off. Also, I doubt he's gonna be able to play again, so hopefully it'll shrink his ego."

   "Still, I want to punch him."

   "Oh, don't think I'm going to stop you." Harry lifted his head tiredly, rubbing his eyes and reaching for the wiry glasses on his bedside table. Cassie and Ginny were back to facing him in a split second. "Good morning?"

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