87. Parental Disputes

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"He said he would be back by now!" Cassie's voice thundered across the small cottage, cracking in the middle of her cries and breaking off at the end. She took a moment to inhale a deep breath, before continuing, in a much calmer tone, "Moony, he.. he said he would handle them. He shouldn't be taking this long."

"We've got to trust him, yeah?" said Tonks soothingly, patting the spot next to her on the couch and gesturing for Cassie to take a seat. There was a little pause before Cassie obliged, biting at her nail and bouncing her leg. Tonks observed her. They fell into an uncomfortable silence, one that was only broken by the occasional creak of the couch or twittering of a bird. Cassie didn't mind the lack of background noise, really; it proved easier to focus on the many thoughts coursing through her brain.

   After Harry, Hermione, and Ron had Disapparated from the wedding venue safely, Cassie – still in her Polyjuiced-Veela form – made a narrow escape and Disapparated with Tonks back to Tonks's parents' household. After meeting Ted and Andromeda (who looked too much like her sister, Bellatrix, for Cassie's liking), Cassie's opinion that her entire family was rubbish had been disproved. Ted was one of the most welcoming men Cassie had ever met – excluding Remus and Mr. Weasley, of course – and Andromeda – or Dromeda, as she liked to be called – was exceptional at keeping Cassie's mind distracted from the ever-growing pit of worry blossoming inside her.

   Dromeda had just left to begin on some tea for Tonks and Cassie, giving the other two girls time to actually focus on their thoughts, which led to Cassie's little outburst. She was immediately ashamed, though, as Ted and Dromeda bustled back in as swiftly as they could with their wands drawn. Cassie looked to them with red eyes, embarrassment taking over.

   "I'm sorry," she told them, cheeks flushing, "I'm just worried. I didn't mean to shout."

   "Don't apologize, darling," said Andromeda, a warm smile not much different than Mrs. Weasley's on her face. "It's a stressful time. Dora here gets sick nearly every time Remus is away!" she called as her and Ted moved back to the kitchen.

   Cassie looked to Tonks, her brow furrowed. "I wouldn't've pegged you as the nervous type," she said thoughtfully. Tonks avoided meeting her eyes and her hair bled into a pale yellow color. Cassie narrowed her eyes. "And you declined Dromeda's offer for biscuits, yet you and I both know you go mental for sweets."

   "I wasn't in the mood for biscuits," said Tonks, shrugging and shaking her head to return her hair to its seemingly permanent mousy brown color.

   "Nymphadora Tonks, are you pregnant?" Cassie exclaimed, standing from the couch, her jaw slack and excitement bubbling in her chest. Tonks pursed her lips but nodded. Cassie clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from shrieking. "Merlin's pants! How long?"

   "About two months," she said, blushing down to her neck. "Remus wanted us to keep it a secret, you know, he's worried that–"

   "–that his kid's gonna be a werewolf?" said Cassie bluntly, raising her eyebrows. "He's not... he's not leaving, is he–?"

"Merlin, no!" Tonks widened her eyes and shook her head vigorously. "No, he's just stressed, I suppose. We all are."

"That doesn't mean–" Cassie's words were cut short: A loud crack was heard from just outside the protective wards of the house, and a moment later, Remus called out into the entrance hall.

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