8. Cal

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Chapter song:

"Go ahead run away like you always do then," I sneered. "It's what you do best anyway."

"Would you rather I pretend to be someone else? Follow in your footsteps? Huh?" She paused before she whispered, "we're cowards either way."

"Cal," fingers snapped in front of my face.

"Yeah?" I shook the thoughts away and focused my attention on Ty. "What's up man?"

"What are you doing," he nodded to my computer. I shut it shoving the damn thing away from me. My eyes hurt from staring at the screen too long.

"Nothing just work stuff."

He raised his brows. "Work stuff?"

"What else would I be doing?"  I shrugged.

"I don't know that's why I asked." He wandered to the fridge. He opened the door and shut it. Then opened it again.

What I wasn't going to tell him was the grad school application I was looking at. Completely unfilled out. Probably won't even fill it out if I was being honest. It was pointless anyway.

"How's the team doing?"

"Not terrible. There's a lot of good kids. But we'll see how the season goes," he shrugged. "We still got time before the real season starts." It sounded as if that last sentence he was telling himself instead of me.

It was his first official season as a head coach. Last year when he moved home and opened up his gym he was the assistant coach. I guess their coach got offered another position for a college team. I don't remember the logistics Ty explained to me when he got it. I just cared that it made him happy. As much as he pretended not to care, he cared a lot.

"Did you know Ken stopped by the pool today?" He asked without looking up from the fridge.

"Why would I know that?"

"I don't know you guys are like magnets man. Constantly drawing back to eachother. Sparks and all the other lovey dovey shit." I snorted not even wanting to comment. I was not going to get wrapped up into that conversation right now.

"But what does that have to do with me knowing she was at the pool with you?" I rubbed my jaw, the stubble scratched against my palm. I needed to shave tonight.

"I figured she would have told you or something I don't know." He shrugged finally grabbing leftovers from god knows when and tossing it on the counter.

"No we don't speak like that anymore. We just gotta get through the wedding and all will be okay."

"Ah, the wedding." He sighed dumping the leftovers into a bowl and tossing it into a microwave.

"Yup." I said letting the microwave fill the silence between us.

I didn't know what he was trying to get at here or get me to talk about. It's not like any of them don't know Kenny and I hadn't spoken for years until she came back. I don't get what was so hard for them to understand. They all knew and they knew why yet they all continued to pretend it didn't happen. I didn't get it.

"Do you have a date to the wedding yet?" I asked as the timer went off.

"Not yet," he said in between bites of food. "But I have my ideas. You?"

"Probably no one. I'll be too busy doing best man stuff anyway."

"Don't use that as an excuse," he grinned. "What best man shit are you gonna be doing? Giving out a million speeches?"

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