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Chapter Song: Lost- Blake Rose

7 years ago

"Dude what the fuck," Mason gave Ty a pointed look. Liam looked annoyed but didn't say anything. Ty just sat there with a smug expression. He was annoying when he got like this. Not to mention rude.

I muttered something about being back as I got up. I casually made my way downstairs to the basement. I thought it was the coolest thing that the Parkers had a basement. I wished we had one.

I gently tapped on the door before slightly opening it. "Is it okay if I come in?" I asked softly tugging at my lip.

I didn't know why I was nervous coming down here. I'd talked to her plenty of times alone. But I guess I never actually came downstairs specifically for her. I mean we didn't hang out much together anymore, but that didn't make it weird. Right?

I'd still consider her a close friend. Hell, I'd even call her one of my best friends still. Even though we didn't hang out as much as we used to I know if I needed Ken she'd be there.

"Yeah, uh come in," she fidgeted with the end of her blanket. I left the door open as she pulled the blanket closer to her.

My eyes glazed around her room landing on the wall to my left. It had floor to ceiling bookshelves. They were filled. She even had started a stack on the floor next to it. It was her own personal library. A safe haven away from the pool.

"Ah, the infamous wall of book," I smiled. That's what we always called it. Sometimes we teased her about all her books, but I thought it was cute. I liked that about her.

Those were her two favorite things. Swimming and reading. If you wanted to add a third it'd probably be coffee.

"So to what do I owe this pleasure, Callum?" She smirked as if giving me a challenge. She also used my full name which nobody really does. I think she did it just to be a brat, but I kind of liked the way she said it.

"Well, Miss Kennedy Lee." I paused letting out a low breath. "I just wanted to see how you were doing after the whole Tyler comment." I tried to search her face for any possible reason of doubt but found nothing.

"Nothing I can't handle." She brushed of the question like it was a piece of lint.

"It's okay maybe I stepped over the line," I raised my hands surrendering. We normally didn't talk about stuff like this so it was unfamiliar territory.

"Hey." She looked at me. "Are you going to Riley's back-to-school party this weekend?"

I knew she would. It was her best friend. It was her equivalent to my Liam. They were joint at the hip. We even called her the fourth Parker sibling at times.

She also knew how to throw some epic parties. None of us really threw them because she had that area covered. She also had a big enough house for it.

"Of course why wouldn't I?" She sounded insulted. This was not a good idea. I should retreat and just go back upstairs now.

"I don't know I just wasn't sure if you had plans or anything." I kicked the toe of my converse into the carpet. I shouldn't have even tried. This wasn't the right time.

"I think Riley would die and come back from the grave to kill me for not being there." She joked. I looked at her and there was something in her eye. The way she looked was as if she was holding out a peace offering. I would gladly take that.

"Honestly she just might." I couldn't hold back my laughter. It wouldn't surprise me if Riley did.

"If you do happen to be there come find me. I'd like to hang out for a bit, that is if Riley hasn't killed you first."

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