Chapter Eleven | Dried Ink

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Ember woke up with warm arms around her waist and the sound of YouTube playing on her laptop.

Holland and her stayed up watching a few movies Ember had bought from YouTube. Then again the coffee—or in Holland's case tea—didn't help them go to sleep when they got back from their date.

Ember still couldn't believe Holland surprised her like that, it was actually nice—even if she wasn't a big fan of surprises.

Ember looked at her watch and mentally facepalm. She had half an hour to shower, get dressed, and be ready for her earliest class.

Most of Ember's classes were in the morning since she wanted to get them over with but today was a different day. She was going to be attending her first therapy session. Well, her first in a few years.

She waited an extra minute savoring the warmth of Holland pressed to her back. Waking up with the blonde in her bed was something Ember could get used to, though the next time she hoped they wouldn't have so many clothes on.

Without waking her, Ember managed to get out of her grip and off to the bathrooms with her shower things.

She rushed into the bathrooms and just as quickly showered. She wasn't all that much of a fan with getting showers, she liked baths more surprisingly. Though she would always wash off before getting one anyway so it just would end up being a waste of water.

After brushing her teeth she made sure the robe was on tightly before she walked back to her room. Something she never understood more people didn't do was wear robes back from the showers. It was much easier than a plain towel, but most of the students didn't think the same way she did.

Once she was back in her dorm Ember got dressed and quietly grabbed the things she would need for the day. She wrote a quick note for Holland before she left telling her she would be back a bit later than usual.

It was odd, but they both had grown to learn the other's schedule over the course of being here. Ember didn't tell her where she was going only that she would be back later.

Ember didn't want to tell anyone where she was going. It was stressful enough and if she chickened out she didn't want anyone to know how much of a pussy she was being. Ember knew all she had to do was listen to the person and tell them a bit of how she had been doing.

Luckily she was able to get her old therapist back so they knew the events that caused her to not talk anymore, and they knew ASL so Ember didn't have to write on a whiteboard or on her phone.

The reason Ember stopped going was that she didn't think she would be able to do what they wanted her to. The simple answer was that she just wasn't ready. Not to say she was now, it's just something she wanted to move on with.

Ember wasn't over the events of her sister's death, but she wanted to be less broken because of it.

Her classes went by as usual and she even got her grades back on a project. It was one of those "old school" classes where the teacher would first show the grade in his class way before he emailed the class. Ember thought it was kinda cool.

On her way out of class her phone buzzed.

Karter 🏳️‍🌈:
[ Okaay I fucked something up, do you have a minute?? ]

[ Oh no. Yeah, Meet me at the outdoor cafeteria? ]

Karter 🏳️‍🌈:
[ Thanks, bitch!! 💚 ]

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