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I'm already beyond terrified and I'd have to be an idiot not to be. District Five and Six passed in a blur of tributes I didn't know. Descendants of Victors I hadn't ever heard of before. 

Until suddenly, I stared at a fading justice building among emerald green trees. Home. I subconsciously leaned forward in my seat, Trent having done the same. It was weird seeing my own reaping. My mother was right, I looked sweet. Caesar described me as a 'precious beauty'.

It caused my mother to smirk manically. "Won't be so precious once you get that axe".

I know I don't know my mother well. But I know approval when I see it. She didn't have to say it. As if with one look she'd told me everything. Precious and sweet is now my new angle. Like her own games, pretend to be the exact opposite of what you are only to show your true colours in the arena. 

Only, my mother doesn't know me. And neither do I. I'm both. I'm cold and unfeeling. Yet, I'm disgusted at the thought of killing anyone. Even I don't know what I'll do when I get into that arena. If I'll pick up an axe or if I'll leave it at the cornucopia. And thus, leaving temptation along with it.

While I looked pretty and sweet. Trent looked casually at ease with a smirk on his face. Both of us looked confident.  Johanna and Blight glared out at the crowd but small bio's where  given for each of them. I rolled my eyes. As if the world doesn't know who my mother is. 

Our names were called and both of us smiled. Our pinky promise was highlighted by Caesar as more of a career like enthusiastic approach to a normally sulking district. And thus, another praise to our parents was given for raising us on different 'ideals'. 

Johanna didn't like that. Her glass shattered in her hand. Her knuckles white and blood slowly dripping from her hands onto the plush carpet below. I didn't flinch like Trent but I did avoid looking in her direction like she had the plague.

Clement was up in an instant. Muttering to himself while throwing napkins in Johanna's general direction. As if, like Trent and I, he knew to keep his distance from her to preserve his own life. At least that's how I feel about her anyways. 

I felt so uncomfortable in the room and being with Johanna longer than I could ever remember that I hardly took in District Eight.  I just focused on not looking at her. But that was a task and a half. Mainly because, I wanted to stare at her while she evaluated my competition. A part of me wants to see her mentoring in action. But Johanna's cold, she'd never let me see anything like that. If she's never raised or touched me before then she's not going to start now. She literally hired Liza to raise me but changed her schedule when I turned five. All so Johanna would never have to nurse, feed or have any interaction with my infant self. Like, the woman's got issues that have caused irreversible damage onto me. Why raise me like that!?!. Am I even worthy of love if the only family I know can't bare to look at me?!?...It keeps me up at night. Maybe since I now can't stick the finger up at her when I move out, I'll hug her before I enter the arena. 

I wonder what she'd do or say to that?. Whatever the case, it'll be such a great mind fuck that I'll die in peace knowing Johanna Mason was forcefully hugged by her only child. That she'll have to endure not succeeding in whatever she's tried to raise me to be. Of course, I'll hug her for that sick reason only...but she won't ever know that. I hope the memory of it will torture her every single day of her miserable life. 

I was so engrossed in my revenge plan that I hadn't even realised the last reaping was playing. Surprisingly, District Twelve had quite the turn out. I guess Katniss had that sister and Peeta has like three brothers. Plus, the actual two children of Katniss and Peeta. Four boys and six girls stood on the stage. But only two I knew the names of. Poppy and Terrance Mellark. Famous like myself for simply being born. The children Katniss and Peeta, the stare crossed lovers. Rumours were spread a couple years back that they were forced to have children from order of the President himself. I have no doubt in my mind that is true just so these very games would happen. Those bowels are probably rigged so the only two names drawn belong to them. A sick thought entered my head that same thing probably happened in District Four too. So the most famous could enter the arena and give the Capitol a game of all games. One worthy of the hundredth year.

As if I'd said it all out loud, Poppy and Terrance Mellark both got drawn. Katniss and Peeta wore tight angry faces. And I knew instantly then that they knew too. I gasped rather dramatically at this sudden realisation. I ignored the looks I got from everyone else in the room. Instead I pretended to be flicking dirt out from under my nails. As if, the sight of the dirt alone was enough to offend me. I was  actually kind of offended that everyone bought it so easily. However, I know I should be grateful they did buy into it without question. Stuff like this shouldn't ever be said out loud. I know how my family died, and I know knowledge can be just as dangerous as refusing an offer from the President himself. 

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