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I was instructed by Red-Skin or I guess Antle, to  head down to the first floor unaccompanied because Trent's stylist quote 'fucked everything up'. I heard fire was involved. From knowing that bark and branches tend to ignite rather quickly, I gathered it wasn't anything good.

Red-Skin told me two things, wait by the chariot labeled '7' and kick my dress while I walk. Wouldn't be an issue if I'd ever been to the tribute centre or walked in heels before. Having no experience in either I doubt I can make it all the way to my chariot unaccompanied. Plus I'm probably going to make a fool out of myself infront of the many Victors and Tributes . 

I held onto the wall for dear life, kicking my dress awkwardly and made it somewhat successfully into the elevator. Two peacekeepers, each with guns turned to me and I just stared back at them blankly. That is, until one of them coughed and indicated to the twelve buttons on the side.

I chuckled at my own stupidity and muttered. "Oh sorry, first floor or wherever the chariots are suppose to be please".

I heard a ding followed by the doors closing. I'm such an idiot. They wouldn't kill me if I'm going into the arena. It wasn't long before I heard a dig again followed by the doors opening to reveal the sound of screaming. 

I stepped out while awkwardly nodding my thanks at the peacekeepers. Okay, from now onwards nothing awkward or embarrassing is going to happen. One step...two steps...chin u- Shit!. I found myself on the floor, my costume somehow still intact. Okay, so lesson learned remember to kick. 

I dusted my hands and picked myself back up. I found myself standing still unsure of what to do. I'm in a long hallway and I'm gathering I should head down the way where all the screams are coming from. More psycho-fan people. Great.

I looked down at my feet and frowned. My dress is that long I doubt anyone would notice if I'm not wearing any shoes. I quickly looked down both ends of the hallway before hastily taking off my heels. I tippy toed up to the nearest large potted plant and buried my heels in the dirt. I smacked my hands together a few times before staring down at my hidden feet in satisfaction. There, problem solved!.

Just as I started walking towards the screams with a bit more confidence, a presence to my right made themselves know. I felt someone nudge my shoulder and I stared into the tired eyes of Haymitch Abernathy in shock. He swept his greying hair out of eyes and pointed his drink towards my skirt. "Don't worry Sweetheart, your secrets safe with me".

A look of distain crossed my features at the smell of alcohol on his breath. I nodded curtly. "Gee, thanks".

If he noticed my sarcasm he didn't mention it. In fact, he raised his drink to me and muttered. "To the kids who deserved better".  He then continued to stumble down the hallway in a drunken like float. All the while, I stared after him in trepidation.  Down the hallway towards the other tributes. Down the hallway towards the screaming psychos. And down the hallway towards Victors like my mother...fuck me!.

Whatever. I don't have to talk or make eyecontact with any of them. I just have to get to my chariot and then I'll ignore everyone until Trent comes out. Hopefully, he isn't burnt to a crisp. I rolled my shoulders and nodded to myself a final time before walking.

Just before I exited the the hallway a bunch of screams from above me had me staring. The people above jumped as soon as they saw me before they stared...chanting my name. I had to dodge a few roses and weird pearl like necklaces. I flicked a rose off my shoulder in fright . It was as if that caused them to through fifty more at once. I let out a loud sequel and quickly run out of the hallway while combing out my hair frantically.

It must've been a sight to see. Victoria Mason, a literal tree, wiping and combing my hair and shoulders with a scream while the word "Vic-tor-ri-a!" was chanted again and again behind me.

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