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{.31. Toby}

Triggers: coming out, fear of homophobia, fear of non acceptance

Triggers: coming out, fear of homophobia, fear of non acceptance

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Toby had been quiet, quieter than usual. The lead up to the final quidditch match, Toby had always been extremely loud and vocal because he'd always commentate on them and it was a known fact he was the best commentator all of Hogwarts had. But he hasn't been like that recently, he had almost withdrawn himself from his friends and it was this reason that Ally was concerned. Of course she still hadn't figured out the ins and outs of everything with her wandless magic going crazy and Toby didn't want to bother her with his anxieties but he didn't know that wasn't important to her! What was important was making sure that Toby was ok but for the life of her she couldn't work out what could be the matter or what could be troubling him.

They were currently down by the black lake waiting for Luke to join them and Toby was just skimming stones into the lake not speaking to Ally, his shoulders had been tensed and his jaw was clenched, he was appearing as if he was bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Ally couldn't take it anymore, seeing Toby like this really hurt her, she wished she could help ease his troubles because she knew that this was so unlike Toby and whatever he was anxious about must have been serious. So she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his upper back. She wished toby would speak to her, she loved him so much, she loved him as much as her brothers and seeing the blonde haired boy like this broke her heart.

Toby brought his hands to hold Ally's and he sniffed slightly. He knew he'd made a good choice befriending her on their first day but he was so scared to tell her what he was feeling, he had to though. He knew Ally would never judge him but the fear was deep rooted inside of him, the fear that Ally might not accept him.

It was more than he could bare, when he was younger he knew that befriending the Montague girl was a brave move on his part but he had never regretted it. So why was he scared that she wouldn't accept him now, if Alcyone Montague was not going to accept Toby for anything it wouldn't be his sexuality, it would have been his blood status.

"Sweetie, I'm bisexual," he whispered "I thought I liked girls and I've been going around and snogging them and stuff but I'm not just into girls, I like men too,"

Ally turned him around to face him and she smiled at him, gently bringing her hand up to wipe the tears from his fave to encourage him to carry on but she felt her heart clench at the expression on his face; he looked so scared of her reaction.

"Toby... you were scared to tell me?" She paused while he nodded and she stood up on her top toes to rest their foreheads against each other's "Tobes when people come out the world becomes such a more interesting and better place. I love you so much and I'm sorry you've been working through this on your own but you never have to do this again ok. I'm here for you now, forever." She reassured him kissing his nose before she begun hugging him tightly

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