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{.64. Perseus Mars Montague}

Trigger: discussion of mental illness (ocd, anxiety), childbirth, death, gun violence

Trigger: discussion of mental illness (ocd, anxiety), childbirth, death, gun violence

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December 9th 1959.

Perseus Mars Montague was in his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was a miserable winter in Hogwarts, it had been freezing, this winter had seen particularly heavy snow storms and blizzards and it was safe to say Perseus despised the cold weather. The only reason he was looking forward to this year was that it was his youngest brother Caspian's first Christmas.

Perseus loved his siblings, he loved spending Christmas with them. Pretending that Father Christmas had come to give them presents brought him particular joy even though it was a Muggle concept. It was exciting and it gave the family a bit of normality despite all of the crazy that went on in their lives.

"Mr Montague, aren't you packing for the holidays?" A young Minerva McGonagall asked the boy

"I've already packed Professor, I did so earlier this morning," he mumbled

"Then why are you sat here alone and not in the Slytherin dormitories?" She asked

"My mum sent me a letter, I think she's having another baby." He mumbled

Professor McGonagall let out a small 'ah' and sat down on the window seat next to the boy. Perseus looked up at her and she smiled softly.

"Have you told your parents that you don't like having lots of siblings?" Professor McGonagall asked

"It's not that I don't like having a lot of them. I just feel like I have to work so hard to be seen because they're all so demanding and I know Wolf and Oberon aren't awful but Atlas is different and Casp is still a baby." He explained, "I don't want anymore, I don't another baby Professor..."

Perseus' breathing was becoming ragged and Professor McGonagall noticed he was opening and closing his fists. She sighed and looked at the young boys face before thinking of what to say. What could she say? She had always known Estrella and Arcturus Montague longed for a baby girl and this might have been their last chance to have a baby girl. She didn't want to discourage Perseus because she knew that he felt pressure to look after his brothers but she didn't realise it was truly taking a toll on him.

"Perseus, do you feel the pressure that you need to prove yourself? Are you making yourself unwell with worry that you need to look out for your siblings?" She asked

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