Chapter Nine - You're Safe

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I watch Minn closely as she takes in the news, seemingly accepting it with a hint of disbelief lingering in her eyes. Nevertheless, her curiosity compels her to engage in conversation. I have instructed Tarth to handle her with care, to be patient with her as she grapples with the revelation of her creator's identity. From Minn's perspective, it must seem like a far-fetched notion. But I know that Atlas, the name I am known by throughout the universe, has not been defeated everywhere. I paid little heed to Zeus' punishment, especially after Zeus left Earth. I have been busy, weaving my plans.

"Why is he doing this to us?" Minn asks Tarth, her voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and anguish. Some of the women excuse themselves, their meeting coming to an end, while I instruct Tarth and a few others to stay and engage with Minn. She needs the social interaction, and it will serve to raise her morale.

"Atlas claims that he is creating other worlds, better worlds. Worlds where there is peace, where our children will have a future," Tarth answers, offering a version of the truth. While the promise of peace holds some merit, the ever-looming threat of war remains. I have taken great measures to protect what is rightfully mine.

"But why are we here? Why can't we go to these better worlds?" Minn's voice trembles with a mix of hope and doubt.

"This is a better world for us, Minn. Many of us come from places devoid of freedom, plagued by wars and sickness. Isn't that how Earth is?" Tarth responds, her words carefully chosen. I observe as Minn struggles to recall her life on Earth, memories of her father reading to her in bed, tinged with sadness and longing.

Perhaps it is time for Minn to remember Earth as it was when she lived there. Not just her personal life, but the events that unfolded. "I wish I could remember..." she says, and I oblige her request. I flood her amygdala, and fear, adrenaline, and memories of war, famine, disease, and civil unrest rush through her mind. It is an unpleasant experience, but a necessary one. 

As the memories subside, Minn is left flushed and breathless. I swiftly counteract the distress by increasing her melatonin and dopamine levels, offering her a moment of respite.

The other women have gathered around, Tarth moves closer and grabs Minn's hands, reassuring her that she is ok. As the memories fade, Minn's breath slows and she begins to focus on  Tarth's hands in hers. Warm and smooth, the force of her grasp is enough to pull Minn's mind away from the last few images I've uploaded.  

"It's over," Tarth says. "You're not there anymore, you're safe." 

Minn looks at Tarth's hands and feels comfort, belonging. Then sadness washes over her as she remembers the struggles on Earth. It's too much for her. Too much war, too much killing, too much death and poverty, homelessness and sickness. Riots and revolts, hurricanes and global warming. It's all too much. I've gotten the intended response.

Tears begin to form in Minn's eyes and fall slowly down her cheeks as she begins to breakdown. Tarth embraces her. Minn accepts her nurturing. I'm confined to another 13 minutes of Silent Mode, otherwise, I would tell her the past is the past. Although the Earth isn't the same place as when she left it, it's apparently much worse now, she is better off here in The Sanctuary on Omega Six. 

That is the beauty of the design. The Sanctuary is in fact safer than most Class M planets, and more equipped to deal with any disaster or invasion imaginable. The wall's alloy is Gorgon-made, petrified carbon steel. Not even a quasar blast can penetrate them. It bears to say that Minn is in good hands.

"Can you take me back to my room?" Minns says into Tarth's shoulder which she cries on, her arms wrapped snug around her waist.

"Sure let's go," Tarth replies as she helps Minn stand. I tell Tarth Minn's apartment number is 256 and they make their way to the elevators. Tarth keeps her arm around Minn's shoulder. 

By the time they enter Minn's apartment, there are only 8 minutes left of Silent Mode. I can't say I enjoy silent mode any more than detest it, however, I find myself counting the minutes until I can speak again regardless.

Tarth walks Minn over to the couch. "I don't want to sleep." She's slept too much, she doesn't want to dream. She doesn't want to remember. She just wants to feel. "Stay with me and watch something." She doesn't want to be alone with me.

"The picture screens?" Tarth motions to the television. "I've heard of them. Yes, I'd like that."

"You don't have TVs where you're from?"

Tarth sits at the other end of the couch opposite of Minn, who looks for the device to turn on the TV. If there were not still 5 minutes on Silent Mode I could tell her that its on top of the TV stand, tucked a bit too far back from the cleaning service.

"No we didn't, but we do have a holodeck here. I've been through some of Earth's stories, they are very popular."

"Really? Why?"

Tarth giggles. "Earthborn are very attractive."

This makes Minn smile. Yes, she remembers her movie crushes, both men and women alike. She can't even imagine what it would be like acting side by side with one of them as if it were real life.

"I remember Hollywood," Minn says. "They thrive on being sexy. It sells." Though she's drowsy, she stands and walks to the TV, determined to find a way to turn it on. When she peeks behind it, she spots the controller.

Screens have always fascinated humans. Though Screen Ages, no matter the planet, come with many drawbacks, including global increases in obesity and mental health disorders such as depression. However, here in The Sanctuary, the benefits of the dopamine response on our subjects outweigh the less desired effects.

Minn presses the power button as she points the controller to the TV. A blue screen flashes right before the menu guide pops up. It looks similar to a satellite menu, but instead of live sporting channels and news, it has movies and tv shows uploaded from the beginnings of Hollywood to its demise. Minn is, however, unaware of what took place on Earth after her departure and she scrolls aimlessly through the many categories. There really is no point bringing up Earth's fate, unless of course, she asks about it. Then I will be obligated to respond. 

"There have not been many like you here," Tarth says to Minn, smiling. "At least none I have spoken with." 

Minn stops scrolling and looks at Tarth. "Really?" She asks, looking over Tarth as if seeing her anew. Her skin fades from a bright sapphire blue when in close proximity, so to Minn, it looks like softened lavender.  Her thick braids are pristine, flawless, with not a hair out of place. Her eyes are bright green, and they look back at her in wonderment. Minn wonders if Tarth thinks her eyes are beautiful too. This is significant progress.  

"Yes, I'm happy to meet you, and to be here for you now. I think we may become friends." I didn't tell Tarth to try and become friends with Minn, but this will only help Minn in the long run. 

Minn shakes her head and looks towards Tarth's stomach, round with offspring.  "I don't know," she says, "I think we see things differently, I don't think I can have children for someone else."

"You don't have to decide now," Tarth suggests.  "Instead, let's watch your favorite picture, I want to see if we like the same, yes?" 

"Ok," Minn says as she begins what Earthborn's call 'channel surfing'. I have less than one minute left in Silent Mode. 

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