Chapter Eleven - This is Worse

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Tarth is not gone long. Though after the grueling process of childbirth, she needs time to rest and recover. Minn stays away for a day but concern and curiosity fuel her steps as she makes her way to Tarth's room in the Sanctuary. The sterile white walls seem even more oppressive now, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions raging within her.

Tarth's baby has been taken to the planet Elysia. 

Not now, Atlas. 

Elysia is a place of serene beauty, with vibrant landscapes adorned with lush gardens, crystal-clear rivers, and majestic mountains. The air is filled with a gentle breeze carrying the sweet scent of flowers, and the soft melodies of celestial birdsong echo throughout the land.

Atlas tries to sooth Minn with talk. Quite surprisingly, Minn doesn't mind. Ever since they took Tarth away on the holodeck, there's been a constant battle in her head and arguing with Atlas is a hell of a lot better than silence. 

Within Elysia, there are dedicated sanctuaries where the children are raised and educated with utmost care and love. The sanctuaries are designed to provide a harmonious blend of nature and celestial technology, ensuring a nurturing and stimulating environment for their growth.

But now his words are but an echo in her mind. She enters the room, and the air feels heavy, like exhaustion and unspoken grief. Tarth lay in the bed, her body weakened by the birthing process, her eyes reflecting a profound sadness. Minn approaches cautiously, aware of the fragility of Tarth's state.

"Tarth," Minn whispers, her voice barely audible, "how are you feeling? Atlas told me you didn't regenerate."

She turns and looks at Minn, her weary eyes fill with resignation. "I wanted to remember this feeling. But I'll recover," she says, with a half smile, "but I miss her already. I wanted to hold her, you know? I know she is in a better place, but I need time."

She is a jovial child. She is safe. She won't be hunted, and she's well cared for. 

Minn's heart aches at the sight of Tarth's pain. She wants to offer comfort, to ease her burden, but the weight of Tarth's sacrifice looms large in the room. She had given up her child, her own flesh and blood, for a chance at a better life. To never see a war, or know hunger and to be truly free to live a life of curiosity and wonder. Minn is in complete awe of Tarth's power. 

You are beginning to see the bigger picture, Minn.

Then it hit her. She gasps with painful clarity realizing Tarth's sacrifice is not just about her own child; it's about the countless possibilities and futures that could be shaped by such selflessness. It's about the potential for a better world, for a future where love and hope prevail. 

She almost feels like she understands what Atlas is trying to do. Could she embrace a greater purpose? Could she help create a world where all children can thrive and be nurtured? The sacrifice Tarth has made sparks a newfound understanding.

Minn's mind begins to race, thoughts collide as a profound decision looms before her. Atlas says nothing. It doesn't need to. The path she once resisted now beckons with a clarity. 

Her voice is steady but filled with a mix of determination and trepidation. "Atlas, is this what it means? If I do this, they'll all be free and happy?"

There's a moment of silence, as if Atlas is contemplating her words. 

Of course, Minn. We have set up a world where no threats could ever be considered. Where every aspect of their lives is nourished and cultivated. 

"What happens if I don't agree to it?" Minn asks.

Remember, the choices we make ripple through time, shaping our worlds. If you decided not to continue with your life here, then you would cease to be. But I feel Tarth's sacrifice has awakened a newfound understanding within you, a willingness to embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. If you choose to walk this path, to contribute to the greater good through the gift of life, know that you will play a vital role in shaping a future where love and hope flourish.

Minn feels conflicted. On one hand, she feels a deep sense of duty and responsibility to ensure the well-being of future generations. On the other hand, she doesn't have much of a choice which pisses her the hell off. Plus, the thought of surrendering her autonomy, of giving in to Atlas's desires to create worlds which she'll never even see sends shivers down her spine.

Tarth falls asleep. Minn makes her way back to her room with what feels like the weight of the world on her shoulders. What about my own desires, my own dreams? She thinks.

 Atlas is always listening. 

Minn, embracing the greater good does not mean forsaking your own desires. It means finding harmony between the collective and the individual. Your future can be shaped alongside the path of the greater good. You will not be alone in this journey. Tarth will be here, they all have agreed. Most do, in the end. 

"I would be a good mother. I would." She tells herself, not Atlas. But he comments anyway. 

There is no question of your abilities, Minn. But the greater good...

"Stop. Stop with the greater good." Minn grumbles. "It doesn't feel so great at this end."

I understand. 

"Do you though? Do you? You're a machine, basically part of me." She takes a deep breath, feeling her heart racing. Inside her, there's a battle between what she wants and surrendering to this life. But then, she has another thought. Maybe choosing to do what's best for her children doesn't mean giving up on her dreams. Maybe it means figuring out how to make her dreams meaningful and beneficial to others.

There are other things you'd like to see and do, is there not? This does not have to be a bad place.

"Bad place? Pffft. You're words, not mine."

Minn, your willingness to sacrifice and your determination to shape a better world are admirable. Together, we will forge a path that intertwines love, hope, and the pursuit of a brighter future. I am here to guide and support you every step of the way.

"But I didn't even agree to anything yet!"

You don't have to verbally agree, Minn. You're neuropathways speak volumes. Congratulations, we've just entered Phase 3. Shall I set an appointment for that expedition you wanted to embark on?

"I guess so, what else am I going to do here but sit around thanking you for my life?"

I'd like to remind you, Minn, that it was my creator, Atlas, the celestial of strength, who put you on this path. You have him to thank.

Thanks a million, asshole. She shoots two middle fingers proudly up to the ceiling. Just because this other Atlas, whoever and wherever he was, is looking after the children, doesn't mean she has to like him. 

Then, in an instant, all of Minn's memories come flooding back to her. She sits in shocked silence, tears welling up in her face as she is bombarded by familiar faces and scenes. She remembers her awkward childhood and her rebellious teenage years. She remembers her parents and her sister and the boyfriend she left behind. 

But then she remembers the feeling, that feeling you get on Earth, that something isn't quite right, that something is happening beyond our control that no one can really explain. The wars, the famine and poverty. How too many bad things happen to good people, mostly over money. 

 "Atlas, is there money on Elysia?" she intuitively asks. 

No, of course not. Earthlings and many other systems like your own use money, or credits, or ratings, as a means to control society. Elysia is designed with a strong emphasis on the well-being and happiness of its inhabitants. Mental and physical health services are readily available, and preventative measures are taken to promote overall well-being. We recognize that true prosperity lies in the well-being of a people, rather than in material accumulation.

That's when Minn smiles. Wonderful. Real freedom. For all the children. Maybe it really is possible? 

But then she clues in.

"We? Who is we?" She knew about Atlas being an extension of his celestial self, but now there is more of them? Great. "They're not going to start talking to me in my mind too, are they?" 

No, not to worry, Minn Earthborn, they have their own worlds to manage.

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