Chapter 9: Prophesy

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"Emilia. Emilia, darling. Wake up."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. She just screamed and fainted."

"She must have seen something. Did she say anything before she lost consciousness?"

"No, Alexios. I already told you. She just screamed and then fell. Now she won't wake up. Lily, try again. Maybe your voice can bring her out of it."

"Emilia? Please wake up, darling. Come back to me."

"How is this going to help exactly?"

"Would you please be quiet, Alexios? Let her mother help."

"I just don't understand how asking her to wake up would --"

"Oh! Did you see that? No. I'm sorry, I thought I saw her move."

"Seriously Athena?"

"What? I thought I saw her hand twitch."

"Mother?" I tried, but my lips refused to move. My eyes refused to open and my body stayed frozen. After a while I couldn't even hear anymore.

Suddenly, my mind became foggy and I stopped feeling anything until I saw a faint light in the distance. Moonlight. And within that light stood a woman in a robe, holding a burning torch in one hand which did nothing to illuminate her covered face.

"Emilia." Her misty voice reached my ears. "I am Hecate. The Goddess of magic and sorcery; keeper of celestial gates and protector of souls. At last, you are in my sanctuary. I have been waiting for your arrival." She bowed.

I tried to speak, but my voice was silenced yet again. The Goddess continued. "A child of light, born in the darkness. He knew he couldn't disturb the prophesy. He did not wish to abandon you. It was merely his duty. Forgive him. For these sacrifices have great purpose. The prophesy must not be disturbed. Sacrifices must be made." She started to disappear into thin air, her figure becoming one with the mist around her. "Remember my words to you."

"Sacrifices must be made."

"What did she say?"

"She's moving!"

"The prophesy... must not - must not -" I felt my body shake. My head jerked from left to right as I squeezed my eyes in pain.

"My Gods, take her to the infirmary. Now!" I heard Medusa order.

Strong arms lifted me off the ground and carried me away. With each footstep that distanced me from Hecate's statue, I felt my headache lessen and the pain became more bearable. I slowly opened my eyelids and was met with breathtakingly blue eyes that regarded me with worry.

"She's waking up," Alexios said without taking his eyes off of mine. His forehead was creased in a frown.

I was brought into a large room with several identical white beds perched up against opposite walls. Alexios carefully laid me down on the first one and stepped back to allow my mother to come to my side. She sat down on the edge of my bed and put her hand on my forehead.

"How are you feeling, darling?" she asked. Taking her hand off my forehead, she checked my eyes and then pressed two fingers against the side of my neck. Her hand came back to rest on my forehead again.

"Tired," I croaked. I was trying my best to stay awake, but sleep was pulling me in.

"Your fever has gotten worse," mother said worriedly. She turned to Medusa. "Do you have any elderflowers here?"

I didn't hear Medusa's response. Instead I let sleep completely consume me.

Voices. Too many voices speaking all at once. Arguing. I was sitting on a throne similar to the ones around me that were positioned in a circular shape, facing each other. It looked like a meeting room.

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