Chapter 11: The Ball

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It's been days, and there were still no clues as to where King Theon was hiding my uncle. None. It unsettled me more than it should. 

I sat on a bed in my new chambers and stared out the window, watching as the leaves of a peach tree from a garden below swayed with the wind. If I stared at it long enough, would I feel as peaceful as I imagined that tree to be? Bathed in sunshine and caressed by a gentle wind? With nothing to worry about, but creating sweet fruit?

I doubted it. Yet I couldn't look away. Not until a knock on the door woke me from my trance.

"Emilia, it's me."

I stood and walked to the door. When I opened it, Rose's smiling face greeted me from the other side. I smiled back and stepped away to let her in. "Good morning, Rose."

"Good morning, darling," she said and pushed in a cart that contained my breakfast. "How are you feeling about your chambers today? Are they still not to your liking?"

I shrugged. "I do like the view of the garden."

"It is quite beautiful, isn't it?" She smiled and set my table by the window, with a vase of fresh flowers and delicate platters. I was still not used to having all of my meals served to me in this manner. But I was glad it was Rose. She was one of the only people that made me feel comfortable and safe in this castle.

"The ball is tonight," Rose reminded.

I nodded. "I know. I have been helping Princess Athena with the preparations. Is all of Poseidon really invited?"

"Yes. His Majesty extended his invitation to all of his people, nobles and commoners alike. It will be one of the grandest balls in the history of Kingdom Poseidon," she said. She then bent low to pull out a rectangular box from the bottom of the cart. "I have something for you."

"Oh?" I smiled and sat up straight, craning my neck to see what was inside it. Books? Paper? Perhaps some painting tools? 

"This will be your first ball and I know how much you loved those books about princesses as a child. You would always talk about how much you wanted to attend balls and wear beautiful dresses, just like they did. You even made your mother and I teach you how to dance. Do you remember?" She chuckled and placed the box beside me on the bed. 

"I want you to enjoy yourself tonight. Feel like a princess," she said, opening the lid and pulling out a beautiful light blue gown made of lace and tulle. It had a full skirt and reminded me of a cloud. When I touched the material, it felt soft and airy. It was beautiful beyond words.

" for me?" I whispered in awe.

Rose smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "This is for you, darling. Do you like it?"

"I love it," I breathed and reached out to touch it again. "It's beautiful."

"I'm glad," she said and caressed my hair. "I will leave it here with you. Eat your breakfast. I will be back to start preparing you for the ball."

I nodded and watched her walk out the door. When it closed behind her, I stood and ran up to a floor-length mirror with the dress, suppressing my squeal of excitement as I looked at my reflection with the ballgown pressed against my front. I twirled in one place with a childish smile on my face. 

Today. Just today I will forget about everything and let myself enjoy these moments to the fullest. Just today I will allow myself to feel like my life is a fairytale. 

Today I will feel like a princess.


Yvette bathed me in one of her fragrant soaps once again and I came out of the bathing room smelling peaches all over me. It made me smile from ear to ear. 

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