You are a wonderful woman

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(You can read this poem while listening to Brian Mcknight song "Still")

I see a rainbow in your eyes
It makes my heart feel at peace
I felt a steady stream of water in my body
When your hand grips mine

You are a strong woman
Even though there is much pain but you choose to face them
You never ask "why?"
All you know is hang on and fight

Oh baby, I like you the way you are
Even in a weak body but you are still fighting
It all makes me want to be beside you to protect you
I want you to know that you are not alone
I am here and always beside you

Today's not easy, but watching you fight makes it even more meaningful
You can't move hills or turn stones into bread
But I can see strong faith in you
You never give up

You who always see everything as beautiful
You who never asked "why"
You who don't know how to hurt people
You who are always fighting for life
Now it's no longer with me
And finally, I have to say, "goodbye my sun"
Now the night will be brighter because your rays are among the stars in the sky
Yesterday, today and tomorrow I still love you

By : Meldy Danus

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