A Pep Talk

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"What exactly is that... like..... supposed to mean? Like, I'm not the hero of the prophecy? Or, I'm not the hero who'll defeat Kron-"

"What part of 'I don't understand' did you not get?" Rachel told Percy

"Oh yeah.... Well, can you tell me more about these strange things that you've been experienci-"

"Well! This must be the Rachel child you talk about!" Chiron cut him off

The centaur seemed to have been listening in on the conversation, so his interruption of Percy was intentional.

Percy seemed annoyed at Chiron for taking control of the conversation, but with a squeeze of his hand he seemed to regain control

"Rachel this is Chiron, my teacher. Chiron this is Rachel Dare."

Rachel seemed to perk up at the sight of the horse-human hybrid.

"Intriguing indeed.... you aren't affected by the magic, yet you are a mortal are you not?" said Chiron

"....yeah.... im a mortal" she sadly replied

If she's a mortal, then how is she even able to see through the mist? An even greater question.... why would you forsake your safety and blindly rush into a dangerous situation that has nothing to do with you?

"I don't know why I wasn't affected, I just knew I had to deliver Percy a message to save him!" She told him

Truly strange.... but I suppose love can make you reckless

"A message?"

"Apparently I'm not the hero"

"Not the hero..... not the hero of prophecy? Or perhaps not he hero who will ki-"

"I don't know!" Rachel shouted

"It's alright child.... visions are nearly never descriptive"

That's peculiar.... it sounds like he knows what this girl is experiencing. Apparently I wasn't the only one to notice this either.

"Chiron... do you know what's happening to her?" Percy asked in a low voice

"Well that's..... I may have an idea..."

"Well what are you waiting for?! Tell us!"

"This... is far too much a private matter. It'd be best to wait until the war is over"

"No... I need to know what's going on with me" Rachel steeled her determination

"Rachel?" Percy asked

"Go tend to your campers needs Percy, I need to talk with Chiron" she said

"But R-"


Percy seemed to want to argue, but figured there was no point. Slowly he turned around, and began walking towards the Empire State Building.

"Percy! Please make sure to get rest!" Chiron shouted

Upon hearing this Percy turned around, appearing befuddled.

"I don't feel tired though?"

"Listen child, you may be invulnerable to wounds, but your body will still fatigue. Get some rest while you can"

Percy nodded and began walking away again.

The pair then turned their attention to me, as if probing what I'd do next. Understanding that they wanted to be alone, I began walking away as well.

I followed behind Percy, as he entered the building.

Upon noticing me, he held the elevator door open long enough for me to enter with him. The elevator ride was quite awkward as neither of us talked. It was quite relieving when the doors finally opened.

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