Always a Blonde

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Chiron led us down the hill towards a large house. It was the first building one would reach before going anywhere else.

"This is the Big House" Chiron explained

And I thought I had a terrible naming sense

"We hold all our meetings here, though only the Head Counselors are allowed to participate in them." He continued

"Head Counselor?" Karuizawa asked

"Our camp is filled with the many children of gods. As such, we try to separate them into cabins with their siblings. The ones who leas their siblings is considered the leader of their cabin, the Head Counselor of their cabin."

"Wait a moment, you separate the children by their godly parent? Then why is there only 12 Cabins...." I asked

"That is.... Well seeing as you'll be integral from now on, you deserve to know...." He began

"Having a Cabin at the camp has been reserved for the Olympians.... It is seen as a status of power, a symbol of respect."

"To share that with those they seem less than them..... it isn't a pleasant feeling for them. They would much rather the children suffer than damage their pride..." he explained

"I assume this was a reason for the war.... It is obvious the children would have had enough and rebelled" I contemplated

"Your words are sharp.... But they are indeed true. It was obvious to many that this would occur, but the gods refused to help anyway..... though without power, there's no way to change their mind. You saw how they almost killed you even after you helped."

That was true....

"In any case, what's done is done. Percy may become the stepping stone to changing this culture. Though he didn't ask for new cabins to be built, he forced the gods to agree to claim their children" Chiron shared his prediction

I do recall the campers surprise at how fast I was claimed, apparently it usually took months

"Well let's move along shall we, the kids on the Pegasus may arrive before we finish if we don't continue" he smiled

Chiron toured us through the place, showing us the obstacle course with real lava flowing through it, the training grounds with all the weapons, and the large pavilion where the campers would eat everyday

Finally, he showed us the Cabins, all of them corresponding to one of the Olympians, all except for Hades

"Hades will get his own soon enough, thanks to his Child, or rather your friend..." Chiron smiled at the waves of change

"Ryueen didn't ask for a Cabin though" I pointed out

"That is true, but he asked for an Olympian seat for his father, a much greater honor. Thus a Cabin will come to be built in due time" Chiron said

"Follow along, I'll show you to your quarters" he beckoned us

He led us to a cabin covered in grape vines, the walls and floor seeping with the odor of wine.

"This is where you'll reside Michael, and it's very likely you'll become the new lead for your Cabin...." He finished

"Am I.... Also staying here?" Karuizawa asked

"Well the last Oracle resided in..... well let's just say she stayed in the Big House.... Though we can make an exception for you and build you a new place of residence.... You cannot stay in any of the cabins" Chiron explained

"Why not?" Karuizawa asked

"The cabins only allow their children to stay in them, as you're the Oracle the gods can't harm you directly, but that doesn't mean they can't make your life terrible."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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