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I was wondering if you guys like chapters over 3000 words (as my last few have been) or ones with less( like they used to be-almost 2000words)?

Please let me know:)



Natasha was feeling at peace; but that wasn't about to last long. The avengers had faced many criminals, Hydra and Aliens but to Natasha and Wanda's point of view, and also every other girl in the group, the avenger boys were the worst thing that could ruin a peaceful day. That feeling was incredibly increased when they heard a loud scream.

Natasha, Wanda, Maria and Pepper who had just joined them were swimming in a peaceful silent while Lila and Cooper were back on the shore making a sand castle with the help of non other that their uncle Steve. Everything felt right; just until they heard a loud scream and then, a huge splash of water washed over their faces; causing the girls to growl as they pushed their hair out of their faces. The water steadied and Sam's head popped out with a huge grin plastered on his face. 

Maria was the one to scream at him "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Sam parted his lips to answer but just then, they heard two more screams and the next thing they new, Tony and Bucky were giving them smug grins. Natasha was glaring at them and they could swear if looks could kill, hers would. 

Everyone knew Natasha hated getting wet, she'd usually refuse swimming in general but she felt she wanted to enjoy this so called vacation; that was until the three idiotsas she would call them later had decided to ruin her peaceful moment. She took three deep breaths and shook her head, "You know what? I actually liked it better when you two couldn't stand each other." She groan, her eyes darting between the two brunettes "If I stay here I'm gonna drown all you three idiots! I'm heading back to the beach" she swam her way back to the shore just before Tony splashed a handful of water to Pepper's face, followed by Sam splashing Maria while Bucky and Wanda just laughed at them.

 Natasha was walking back to Steve, not only to prevent herself from being splashed more but also to spend some time with both the kids and Steve himself. Sharon had disappeared back in the hotel, apparently having to report on Barnes status to both Fury and T'challa. She walked to Lila and Cooper whom where focused on their sand castles whilst Steve was smiling at her brightly. He hadn't stepped a foot in the water and it hadn't gone unnoticed by Natasha.

"Hey! Watcha doing?" She chimed as she got closer to them.

 "Auntie Nat! Do you like my castle?" Lila squealed with an overjoyed voice that plastered a wide smile on Steve and Natasha's lips "I think it's beautiful!" She mused. Cooper looked at Natasha with a shy smile "What about mine auntie?" Natasha who'd crouched down on her knees to kiss Lila, slowly pulled herself up and walked the few steps between her and Cooper and pulled him to a warm hug "It's great, Coop!" She kissed his head and let him pull away as he wanted to go back to his sandcastle. 

Steve gently pet the sand beside him, inviting her to sit by his side. Natasha bit her lip gently in hesitation and to her surprise, Steve read her mind, jumping to his foot "I'll be right back". 

She watched him jog to the lounges and pick up two towels, then jog back to where she was. He handed her one towel with a smile and she took it gracefully "Thank you" she whispered and he nodded while spreading the other towel on the sand. He sat down and watched her trying to dry her hair, then wrap the towel around her shoulder to seat on the towel Steve had laid down for her "You're quite the gentleman, Rogers!" She mused in her husky voice. 

He chuckled "I try my best, ma'am." she smiled at him. 

They both turned to look at their friends whom where now playing with a ball. 

Surrounded By You ~RomanogersOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara