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Long chapter ahead!! (Wait to play song)

Ariella's POV

The traffic was heavier than normal as we drove back. I dropped off Lily first and then went back to the penthouse. It almost took us an hour just to drive.

My head was pounding and I knew I had to check out how bad the injury was. Maybe a minor concussion but I doubt it was that bad.

I entered the elevator and opened the front door as quietly as I could. I took off my heels so it wouldn't make too much noise if Cameron was already asleep. I tip-toed to the kitchen to drink a glass of water before going to the room.

I opened the bedroom door silently but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Cameron sitting on the bed, shirtless and hunched over with his hands laced together; almost like he was waiting for me to get back.

His hair was wet and I watched as a stray droplet cascaded down his hard pectoral and down to his abs, lower to his v-line. He must've just gotten out of the shower.

He looked up, our eyes connecting and I almost stopped breathing. The room was obscure and the only thing that seems to light it -other than the city lights- was his bright cerulean eyes that looked like they were glowing against the darkness.

I was utterly drunk yet I hadn't had any alcohol.

He straightened his back as he beckoned me over. I did so willingly, almost as if I was hypnotized. I set my heels on the ground as I walked over, he used his vigorous arms to pull me to me. He was eye-level with my belly, his head just underneath my breasts.

His hands rested gently on my hips as he pulled me closer by my ass. I moved my hands up to his hair, moving the wet strands out of his face and combing them back, and admiring how they formed into their messy and dark curls.

He placed a gentle kiss on my stomach, on the fabric of the dress. It was as if that action alone set a zoo of animals free to swarm my insides.

No words were spoken between us, which seemed to happen often. I didn't mind, in fact, I liked the silence. It spoke a thousand words. When we were with each other, words seemed to be the last things on our mind...they were unimportant. After all, actions speak louder than words.

I released a breath, breathing out the night's events.

Oh, how wrong I was to do that.

The night's events hadn't even started.

Before I could comprehend, he got up from his sitting position as his hands roamed my curves. Our chests pressed together as our lips brushed together for a brief second as he rose to his full height. I was now eye-level with his inked and bare chest.

His hands traced my arms lightly...barely a ghost touch.

Oh fuck. The bruises were just underneath his touch...a centimeter away on my skin.

I'm going to get lectured any second.

Any second.

Any second now...

Why wasn't he saying anything?

That's when I realized that his body was growing tense against mine and his fists were clenched as they shook. I looked up at him but he was already looking at me.

"Why didn't you call me?" he whispered.

A whisper so quiet to any other ear but it seemed like a roar against the silence. His voice was so much deeper than I last recalled, like the depths of the ocean mixing with velvet. His tone was so poisonous, so angry at the world.

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