~The Darkest Sins~

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Her bright golden hair was tangled and matted in her own blood. Her bruises were all the shades of the rainbow. More blood was smeared on her pale, almost lifeless skin. She had rope burn on her wrists and ankles, the looks of it made my stomach sink. She looked like she had walked through hell and back.

But she still smiled at him.

She smiled at him like she wasn't in any pain at all. Like this was just another walk in the park.

Even when she had just been stabbed and was seconds away from breathing her last breath, even when he was on the brink of full-on panic, she still laughed at him and said "Someone's in a rush."

And when she said that, he rolled his eyes and smirked as if she had eased all panic in him with one phrase.

I think she knew that he was scared. Scared that she would actually leave this time, although he didn't show it.

That's why she hid her pain. Hid that she wanted nothing more than to close her eyes, cry, and scream.

That's why she laughed and smiled at him. To calm him.

Yes, my daughter was in love.

The kind of love that was so destructive and deadly to even themselves.

A familiar love. The love that I had lost but still remembered. A love that was destroyed by the man who sat, bloody and bruised, in front of me.

And so I would protect my child's love by getting revenge on mine.

His nose was broken, dislocated, courtesy of Lucas who was now at the hospital. I would be there too, but the doctors said she would be in surgery for a while. If I were there, all I would be doing was pacing, stressing, and thinking the worst. So why not take my worry out in a different way?

More members of the Bratva came to New York a few days ago, in case we needed back-up. Surprisingly, I didn't call them here, they all came willingly.

Ariella had already earned the loyalty and respect that most spent years working for. She earned that respect and loyalty when she went face to face with the man who single-handedly ruined everything. The man who killed her mother and took her from her home. The man that killed the Bratva's queen and the Mob's Reina.

And she wasn't just respected...she was admired.

Admired for doing it all without stooping down to Malakai's level. Without stooping down to the mafia's level. She did it all legally and hurt no one but herself in the process.

And I was proud of her.

"Come to rub salt on the wounds?" Malakai sneered. I walked around his chair as the chains rattled every so often, the bright lamplight above his head...dangling like a knife. The only source of light in the room was that golden lamplight, its light not providing any warmth against the cold draft of the room.

The concrete was stained slightly in red and so were the solid walls. I rolled up my sleeves as I walked to the table behind him, full of the tools Cameron had sprawled out with a few extra special ones.

Clearly, my daughter found a man with extensive knowledge in the fine art of torture.


"I'm contemplating between vinegar or lemon juice actually,"

"I recommend salt. It's what I used on Ariella. I used lemon juice on Stella. She didn't scream as much as Ariella did with the salt," he smirked, and all-to smug look in his eyes.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now