everyone knows

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marinette: but the thing is. everyone knows now..
adrien: hey hey! it's fine.
mari: yeah your right..
adrien: now let's go to bed.

- they talk until they sleep -
- it's morning and marinettes parents come in the room -
tom: goodmorning love birds
adrien: huh?
mari; daddd! leave
tom: i'm sorry!! i am just so happy u have a bf!
adrien: - laughs - and she's having him forever - winks -
- tom jumps up and down and adrien joins him -
adrien: happy jumps!!
tom: come join us marinette!
mari: i'm okay over here.
sabine: woah tom!! what did i say.. leave them alone
tom: sorry love..
adrien: hey! don't worry! i love the excitement

* sabine drags tom out of the room *

adrien: hey marinette , i have a suprise for you!
mari; what is it?
adrien: you gotta see for yourself

- adrien piggy back rides marinette and starts running -

marinette: heeey' put me down! - laughs -
adrien: nooooo!! - giggles -

- they finally arrive -

marinette: adrien! what's this ?
adrien; i got us a boat to watch the sunset!
marinette: for me?!?
adrien: for you m'lady :)
marinette: your so cute

- before adrien could add marinette starts getting in the boat -

adrien: u forgot something?
mari: oh yeah!
adrien: - marinette runs back to him,and gives him a kiss -
marinette: thank  u!
adrien: *smiles* anything for u!
adrien:  now let's go!

-they both run up to the boat -

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