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marinette: this is beautiful! i love itt
adrien: just for you m'lady <3

- they sit down at the edge and a waiter comes up to them -

waiter: hello! would you a refreshment?
marinette: oh i'm okay,thanks though!

- adrien stops the waiter and whispers in his ear -

adrien: give me everything you have.
waiter: are you sure? that's a lot of money and food
adrien: don't worry about me,get m'lady everything on the menu!
waiter: well okay sir..
- the waiter walks back to the kitchen -

marinette: what did u tell the waiter?
adrien: oh that's nothing princess !
marinette: oh well okay.

- still sitting down and watching the sunset. marinette puts her head on adriens shoulder -

adrien: -gasp- ur beautiful!
mari: awwhh thanks  adrien! ur handsome yourself
adrien: i know i am ! - winks -
mari; adrieeen!

- they both laugh - 
- soon the waiter comes back with all the chefs and the foods ! -

marinette: adrien,what's this?
adrien: just for you m'lady!
marinette: wow! this is amazing and too much! thanks baby!

- they start eating away as the sunset goes away -

adrien: that was amazing.
marinette: i loved  it! thanks baby !!
adrien; marinette,are you okay?
marinette: yeah. just cold

- adrien was gonna ask but he remembered what happened last time - he takes off his sweather and put it's on marinette -

marinette: huh? oh! are u sure ? aren't u cold,take it ba-
adrien: i'm fine marinette.
mari: oh okay..

-  they start walking back home -
- they get to marinettes front door -

marinette: the day has ended once again.
adrien: yep. i will miss u m'lady,goodnight! i love u

- he kisses her on the cheek and starts walking away -

marinette: wait! adrien!
- she runs up to him and hugs him-

marinette: thank you adrien! i appreciate it so much,goodnight ily too!

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