Chapter 6

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A few days later...

Over the past few days I trained with the Uchiha Clan members and when they were away on the battlefield, I went to their library to see if I could learn more information, especially about the Sharingon... but when they come back, I go where they battled and buried all the bodies from both sides as usually. I was able to train my earth jutsu and completely perfected the element. Which is awesome! I just need to perfect the water element and wood release should come a lot easier. Though I need to work on the wind element.

I made sure not to reveal my true abilities when we were training together. Speaking of my stats.

Name: Ayumi

Family Name: [blocked]

Age: 15

Title(s): Reincarnated, Child beloved by the Sage of Six Paths, Sharingon User, Prodigy,  Craftsman (or woman?), Traveler, Friend of the Nine-Tailed Beast

Level: 109

Clan: Senju (friend), Uchiha (friend)

Chakra Control: Max

Chakra Sensing: Max

Chakra: 2,264,918/2,264,918

Kurama's Shared Chakra: 900,000/900,000

Attack: Max

Defense: 95

Agility: Max

Int: Max

Luck: Max

Jutsu Categories: Ninjutsu (91%), Taijutsu (100%), Genjutsu (76%)

Jutsu Subcategories: Fuinjutsu (71%), Juinjutsu (41%), Senjutsu (15%), Medical Ninjutsu (100%), Kenjutsu (61%), Barrier Ninjutsu (100%)

Chakra Natures: Fire (99%), Water (97%), Earth (100%), Wind (70%), Lighting (85%)

Advance Chakra Natures: Wood (65%)

Kekkei Genkai: Sharingon (Mangekyo [imperfect])

Curse: Immortality (cannot be broken)

Bonds: Kurama (Nine-tailed Beast)

Additional Skills: Item Box (Max), Super Growth (Max)

Hobbies: Embroidery (Advance), Cooking (Advance), Metalworking (Intermediate)

I only sweat dropped at the sight of it in front of me. But now having a proper look at it, maybe I should cool down with the training and that made me think... I should go back to traveling. I've stayed here or too long and I'm getting restless. I dismissed the status board and stood up.

I put my cloak on and walked out the door to where the head and elders of the Uchiha Clan was located at. I knocked on the door and when I heard an enter, I slid open the door and walked in. I sat in front of them and bowed my head a bit.

"Hello Ayumi, is there something you needed from us?" Tajima (Izuna and Madara's father) asked.

"No, I wanted to thank you for your hospitality and welcoming me to your home, but" I raised my head to look him in the eye. "I've stayed here too long. I believe it's time for me to leave."


"Yes. Before I came here, I was a traveler and I want to continue my profession." I smiled. "I want to continue my endless journey to travel the world and meet many people, clans and creatures. I don't mean to be offensive, but I've become way too comfortable staying here." They were quiet for a few moments before their head started to laugh wholeheartedly.

"Don't worry, your words don't offend us at all, but instead comments us instead. We're known as a cruel clan so to hear that we made someone like you comfortable in a few days." Tajima laughed.

"As you know, I'm a traveler so I'll meet many people and what if I become friends with the Senju Clan?" I asked.

"As long as you don't slide with them and remain in a neutral position with the both of us. I don't see a problem with that." One of the elders smiled.

"Well I swear on my name of Ayumi, that I will remain a neutral with the conflict between the Uchiha and Senju Clans." I bowed and slowly raised my head.

"We should give you something to represent our relationship."

"It's okay." I pulled out Izuna's charm he had given to me when we first met. "Izuna gave this to me, so we can use this."

"Hm... very interesting." I heard them mutter to themselves.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as I put the charm away.

"Well we know that charm is incredibly important to Izuna and its surprising to see someone else holding it in their hands." Then they smirked. "Probably means that he has a thing for you." My face warmed up a bit.

"Please tell me you're joking." I pleaded.

"Of course we are..." They said something else at the end, but I ignored it and calmed myself down, my face cooling down. Then I stood up. "Where are you going?"

"I'd be best if I said my goodbyes, I'm leaving today." I bowed. "Thank you for everything." I raised my head and left the room.

I then went around the estate saying my goodbyes and thanks, but in all that time I didn't see Izuna or Madara. I sighed in exaggeration because you'd think that they were avoiding me... because whenever I would ask where they were, the answer would be they're in the estate! I gave up, walking to the front entrance of the estate, I waved goodbye to the guards there and walked into the forest.

A few minutes of walking, I saw two figures leaning against trees. As I approached the figures, they became much clearer as who they were and they were, of course, the Uchiha brothers. When I reached to where they were, I stopped my walk.

"So this is where you guys were." I sighed. Madara came up to me and handed me a large bag, grunting in the process. I raised a brow and held the bag, opening it to see gold coins! I looked at him and Izuna to figure out why.

"Well you'll be traveling around and from what you've told us, you don't have any kind of funds to support you when you go to places where it requires you to have assets." Izuna smiled. I tried giving it back to them, but they dodged my attempts... even though I could have easily used my skills to forcefully give it back, but they would hunt me down to give it back to me. I stopped my endeavors and sighed in defeat.

"Thanks." I put it under my cloak and secretly put it in Item Box. "In honesty, I don't know when I'll come back, but promise me that you'll stay alive so that when I do... I can tell you of my adventures around the world." Madara clicked his tongue and Izuna elbowed him.

"Of course." Izuna once again smiled at me. I gave them a hug and while I did, they both flinched at my touch. I let them go and continued my adventure, waving to them as I walked away from them.

Curse of Immortality (Naruto Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora