Chapter 14

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Seven years later...

Age seventy-seven... I feel so old but look like in my early twenties because of my curse... in the first four years I left Konoha to go and visit all the Hidden Villages in the Five Great Shinobi Countries. Now that I've think about it, I've met every single kage assigned to each of the hidden villages in each of the Five Great Shinobi Countries. Which is cool, I guess...

Anyways during that time, I also met with the new Jinchurikis of the tailed beasts located outside of the Land of Fire. I only met with them briefly, so my relationship didn't go farther than, "someone I met a long time ago." But it's okay, it not my goal to become friends with all the people in the whole world... it's just to travel the world and indulge in its riches but that's it. If I remember correctly, whenever I told some my goal, they will laugh or giggle at it, think it was a good goal... I think.

But this time when I visited the villages, I have a relationship with, I would give them a warning, something I've never done, but I believe is now necessary... I tell them, "If you become my enemy, I will hold no mercy for you until that changes." How I determine them as an enemy is by lying, attacking, or holding ill will against me. Also, if they proclaim me as an enemy, obviously and if they anger me to the point where I believe it to be unacceptable.

Speaking of which, when I visited the villages and asked them about the children I met from my previous visits, they gave me a scowl and told me they deflected the village and they're considered as Rogues. So, I got myself a Bingo Book from each village from a kage, after I asked for one.

In the fourth year of my travels, I met up with Jiraiya and from him, I learned some of his personal moves like Rasengan and some of his toad based ninjutsu. From him, I learned what missed back at Konoha... Minato and Kushina both died, their son became Kurama's third jinchuriki, Obito and Rin both became K.I.A. victims, and Hiruzen resumed office until further notice.

In the fifth year of my traveling, I found Tsunade and met her student Shizune. From there I traveled with her, sometime loaning her money for her gambling, and gambling myself, making use of my Max Luck stats. I felt bad for Shizune, not only did she have to deal with my drunk gambler grandniece, but she had to deal with me, her grandaunt that won't stop her from her gambling... I could only pity her poor soul and Ton Ton, the little pig that Shizune holds.

On my sixth year I revisited Iwagakure and met a young boy of the name Deidara. He had an innate affinity to explosion jutsu, and I might have taught him the beauty of explosions... just a little though. I took him out of the village sometimes so I could teach him a little and so he could practice. Since then Deidara would always talk how art should be a short explosive art.

So on my seventh year (present time), I went back to Konoha, and I thought hard but decided I'm going to retire for a couple years instead of one in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, I made sure to send letters to the big-name villages and inform them that I probably won't visit for a long time.

When I returned, I immediately went to my apartment to clean, dust was resting everywhere, and I kept sneezing, so I used a wind jutsu to blow it all out. After I cleaned my house, I visited the clans that resided in the village, just to say hello and meet the newest generation... though when I went to the Huuga Estate, I learned about the Huuga Affair and the death of Hiashi's twin brother, Hizashi and the truth of the incident. I made sure to give them my condolences for not being able to help with settling it, but all they did was pity me and the situation I was placed in as a neutral.

Then I went to the Uchiha Estate to visit my godson, but I saw that there was a duplicate of him! I panicked until Mikoto came to me and calmed me down, explaining what was going on. At the same time, she asked me to be her second son, Sasuke's Godmother as well... I laughed at the realization, I felt so stupid. But in the end, I played a bit with my new godson until Itachi came to the estate. I said my greetings and introduced myself to him, explaining how I met him and when, since he was only four years old when I saw him last time.

The final place I went to was the Nara Estate as I knew Shikaku would instantly make me play Shogi with him... and just as I called it, I was stuck at the estate for many hours. Thankfully during that time, I met the Nara Heir, Shikamaru and played a game against him a well. He calmed me troublesome and of course I hit him in the head. Then it became dark and I excused myself, they tried to stop me, but I left despite them begging me to stay... and play more Shogi with them.

Now I was walking in the village, going to Ichiraku Ramen to get some dinner. When I arrived, sitting down at the seating ordering a bowl of miso ramen with pork. A blonde hair, blue eye boy with whiskers and green goggles jumped on the seat next to me and cried out his order of ramen. When I looked closer at the boy, he looked like Minato.

"Hello," The young Minato look-a-like looked at me. "My name is Ayumi, what's your name?"

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, believe it! And I'm going to become Hokage one day!" Naruto proclaimed. So... he is Minato and Kushina's son. "I've never seen you around the village, Miss Ayumi, are you a visitor?"

"Not necessarily, I'm more like a traveler, so I've been to Konoha many times before you were born and Naruto, you can call my Granny Ayumi." I giggled, Teuchi placed our order of ramen in front of us.

"Granny? But you look so young, believe it!" Naruto cried.

"Well looks can be deceiving." I laughed, picking up my chopsticks, breaking them in half and lifting some noodle from the bowl and placing it in my mouth, slurping it up. "So Naruto, how old are you?" He looked at me, a stack of empty bowls besides him, and lifted a hand with all five fingers extended and he smiled.

"I'm five-years-old, believe it!" He put his hand down and looked at me curiously. "Granny Ayumi, why don't you treat me like the villagers?"

"What do you mean Naruto?" Surprised by the question.

"Well people except for my friends Shikamaru and Choji, and Teuchi and Ayame, believe it!" He looked at his half empty bowl, with sadness. "Everyone in the village treats me like a monster... calling me the fox demon and hurting me, looking at me with mean looks." It's the same in this village too?! I looked at Teuchi to confirm and he only looked at me mournfully. I clicked my tongue and put a bag of money on the table.

"Dinner's on me Naruto, eat as much as you want." His eyes sparkled and he ordered another bowl of ramen, only thinking of the ramen while I was thinking about the long scolding, I was going to give Hiruzen when I saw him next.

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