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So I'm not as satisfied with this as I want to be. I spent over a month working on it on and off because I couldn't figure out what was wrong and it just made my head hurt to look at. Thank you so much to @yoongisAmericano2 for helping me get through this and pointing out what was off. You were a huge help and this wouldn't have ever been published without you. It's much better now than it was but I'm still not exactly happy with this. I don't really know but something about Yoongi was just really hard for me to write. 

This is a y/n fic about meeting a member, there is absolutely no romance. Please don't spread hate in the comments. Hateful comments will be deleted.

Disclaimer: This is fanfiction and not written on real events so please forgive anything you perceive as inaccurate because it isn't meant to be 'accurate' 

<3 Itssortofabook

They're chasing you, right?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora