Slow Day

15 4 20

You look around your little shop dejectedly. It was empty and your heart sinks when you think about how few customers you've had recently. You'd opened the small coffee shop right out of high school and while you'd known the location wasn't the best, you'd hoped everything would work out.

You love your store and the shop is quite cozy in your opinion. The problem is the location. It's too out of the way, tucked into a little side street and unnoticed by most people. Sure you have the few regulars who work nearby and the little old ladies who hold their book club in your cafe, but you could feel in your heart that they wouldn't be enough to pay the bills.

Sighing to yourself you walk slowly around the front room, cleaning the already spotless tables. Then you busy yourself sweeping the dirtless floor and straightening all the already straight chairs. There really isn't anything to do.

The little bell over the door rings and you lift your head up so fast you almost get whiplash. A short man with a black mask slips in quickly then leans with his back against the door panting slightly.

"Are you ok?" You ask pleasantly, hoping he's just a slightly odd customer and not a thief or a runaway. He notices you standing there and gives a short nod before his eyes scan the shop. He visibly relaxes after a moment and moves away from the door.

"I'm fine," he says. "Do you mind if I stay in here for a little while?" You nod and he moves up to the counter and begins looking at the menu.

"Stay as long as you need, I'm always happy to have new customers." Your smile is genuine now and you wait patiently for him to finish looking at the menu.

"I'll have an iced Americano and one of those small muffins." He says, pointing to the miniature tangerine muffins you'd baked that morning. You ring it up and he pays in cash then waits as you pull out a muffin, wrap it in one of the fancy napkins you'd ordered, and hand it to him. The custom napkins had been an impulse buy when you first opened the shop and you'd bought so many that you still had a box.

You're about to start making the coffee when you hear loud footsteps and screams from outside. There are people yelling, the sound quickly growing louder as they come closer. The man visibly flinches and shies further away from the door.

"Give me a minute, I want to see what that screaming is," you say apologetically to the man, sensing his discomfort. You move out from behind the counter and step out the door to see what looks like five teenagers running around looking into the windows of every building on the street.

"Are you sure he came this way?" One of them shouts.

"Yeah, I'm sure of it! I screamed his name and he walked down this street." A girl's voice responded before screaming, "Yoongi, I love you! I just want a hug!" Your eyes widen and you walk back in before locking the door. Your head feels like it's spinning but if there truly is a member of BTS in your cafe then you need to keep calm.

The man is still standing casually by the back counter but you can feel how tense the room's atmosphere has become. You look him up and down, slowly noting all the features that could indicate his identity, and nearly gasp at how oblivious you must have been to not see them. Now that you know who he is you can't stop fangirling inside and you have to take a deep breath before you can speak.

"They're chasing you, right?" You ask and he gives you a wary nod. "They're sasaengs." It isn't a question but the man nods shakily in confirmation. "And you're Suga of BTS." Another slightly shaky nod and you have to clamp down on your questions and screams. He's running from crazy fans and probably more than a little scared, now is not the time to ask for an autograph. "Cool, well... uh, I can't really get rid of those kids but you can wait here until they're gone." You wince at how awkward you sound but Yoongi just nods. You can't read his expression but his nervousness is beginning to bleed into you and you shift uncomfortably on your feet.

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