The Past Catches Up

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Hawk put his feet on the floor, his eyes looking around the lounge, his gaze settling on the old torn furniture and worn cupboards. Tilting his head to one side, he listened to the sounds of the house as it creaked and groaned. Standing slowly, he slid his shoes off and began walking around the house, wincing when he stepped on creaky floorboards. Finding the kitchen at the back of the house, overlooking an unkept garden, he found a glass. Turning the tap on, he filled it with water. The water thumped through the pipes, making him cuss when he heard a door open and footsteps approaching. He turned slowly to find Lila standing in the doorway.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Thirsty," he replied, finishing the water.
"More than that?" she stepped closer until she was only a foot from his chest. "You're not drunk, are you?"
"What makes you think that?"
"Not slurring your words for a start, and you didn't stagger to the kitchen either. I know every sound this house makes," she smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "What are you up to?"
"Not up to anything."
"Yeah, you are," she turned to the kettle, filling it and turning it on to boil. "I just need to work out what." she walked over to pick up two mugs, only to be yanked into Hawk's arms. Reacting quickly, she stamped on his foot, kneeing him in the groin, missing by inches as he turned his body away.
"That was mean."
"You pretend to be drunk. Coming into my home and..."
"You brought me into your home, Lila. If I remember, I asked to be taken home."
"Since I have no idea where you live, it's not something I could do. Now release my arm or take the consequences."
"Why are you here?"
"It's my home. Why shouldn't I be here?"
"This isn't your home, Lila. It's a house your father left you six months ago. A father you couldn't even be bothered coming home to bury," he snapped.
"That was low of you, Hawk. You don't know me or my situation."
"What you running away from this time?" 
Lila narrowed her eyes as she poured two cups of tea, handing one to Hawk, she indicated they go back to the lounge.
"I knew I knew you, Hawk. You going to tell me how?"
He shrugged and sat back on the couch. "It's not important."
"What are you hiding?"
"Who're you out to ruin this time?" he snapped.
She frowned, thinking back before looking over at Hawk, her eyes wide.
"I'm not here to ruin..."
"Could've fooled me with the way you were staring at Ethan and his fiancee earlier."
"Who the hell are you?"
"The man you don't want to mess with," he glared.
"I've never ruined anyone. If anything, my last boyfriend from this town ruined me," she sighed sipping her tea. "He hurt me bad, which is why I fled and never came home."
"Rafe never hurt you, Lila. You nearly..."
"Who the hell is Rafe?"
Hawk stared at her, his eyes shuttering, his face paling at her words.
"Rafe is my brother."
"My last boyfriend was Blake Anders."
"Why the hell were you staring at Ethan and Clara?"
"Ethan was, may still be, Blake's best friend. "He was there the night...the night my life changed. Egging Blake on and destroying my future."
"I'm no longer in the mood, though thanks for the offer, Hawk," she smirked.
"Wasn't offering," he put the mug on the coffee table.
"Why are you here?"
"To distract you from ruining Ethan's life."
"He deserves..."
"Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. One thing I do know is Clara is innocent in all this... whatever this is."
"Fine. I'll leave them be for now."
"I want to know what happened, Lila."
"Nothing I want to tell."
"I need to know. You..." he looked her in the eye. "You destroyed Rafe's life."
"I told you, I don't know Rafe."
"He was there that night, Lila. You disappeared, Blake Anders and my brother ended up in hospital and Ethan won't talk."
"Pity Blake didn't die," she shuddered.
"He did. He never recovered. Rafe ended up in a wheelchair."
"Not my fault, Hawk. Their injuries had nothing to do with me."
"What happened?"
"Go home, Hawk. I'm tired and I have work in a few hours."
"Please, Lila."
"Later," she took the mugs to the kitchen rinsing them in the sink. Turning she banged into Hawk and screamed. "For fucks sake, go home. I'll think about telling you. Now get the hell out."
"Two days, Lila."
He left, taking his keys out of his pocket, unlocking his Landrover, and headed for home.

Lila locked the door, going back to bed, drawing the duvet over her head, curling up in a ball, and cried

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Lila locked the door, going back to bed, drawing the duvet over her head, curling up in a ball, and cried. Wishing the past would leave her alone. She cried for what she'd lost and the years she'd missed sharing with her father, wishing she'd had the guts to stay knowing she was glad she hadn't. Finally sleep claimed her, though dreams had her tossing and turning.

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