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Rafe wheeled himself into the kitchen, lowering the countertop with the remote control, turning the kettle on, and setting up two mugs. Getting the frying pan off the shelf on his right, he wheeled over to the stove, igniting the flame and placing the pan down. Turning his chair, he moved over to the fridge, taking out the bacon and eggs, humming to himself as he prepared breakfast.
The back door opened, and Hawk entered, a scowl on his face.
"What you done now, Hawk?"
"Lila's back."
"I want to know what happened."
"It doesn't matter. I'm alive and happy with life. Ethan's moved on. Leave Lila alone."
"I've not moved on and I sure as hell don't trust her."
"Anders was always an asshole, a bloody jealous one at that. Why Ethan never noticed is beyond me. He's dead and buried. Leave Lila..."
"Not until I know what happened to you."
"I presume Lila didn't tell you anything, or you wouldn't be irritating me... shit," he turned as the frying pan caught fire setting off the smoke alarm. "Now look what the hell you did," he turned off the stove, wheeling to the sink, wetting a tea towel and throwing it over the pan. Everything hissed. "Sit the hell down and drink your coffee while I make breakfast," Rafe snapped at his brother.
"Let me help..."
"Fuck off. You've done enough, now sit..." The back door opened again, their mother entered, sniffing the air and frowning. 
"Who burnt the toast?"
"What are you doing here mum?" said Hawk.
"Aren't I allowed to drop in?" she crossed her arms looking around the kitchen seeing smoke rise from the stove. "You all right, Rafe?"
"Fine," he sighed. "You want a cuppa char, Mum?"
"Thanks. Do you need... No of course you don't," she rolled her eyes.
"Only because I'm in a wheelchair doesn't mean I can't do anything for myself and others. Either come in or go out, theirs a chill in the air," he glowered at his mother.
"You get out on the wrong..."
"No. Hawk did."
"What's the trouble with Hawk today," his mother grinned.
"He banged into Lila," smirked Rafe, putting bacon into the pan.
"Didn't know she was back."
"Now you do, mum. She was at the pub last night watching Ethan."
"Did you want breakfast as well, Mum?"
"No. I've got a meeting in town," she finished her drink rinsing the cup, and put it in the dishwasher. "You boys have a good day." The door closed, car started and silence descended.
"Suspicious much," muttered Hawk.
"Leave it alone and lay the table." 
Rafe broke eggs into the frying pan, buttered the toast, placing it on the centre of the table. Dishing up, he placed their plates down. 
"Looks good."
"Eat and be grateful I'm feeding you," he said.
"Part of my payment for helping on the farm."
"You badger me again about the past and you won't have a job, Hawk. I've had enough of everyone poking and prodding thinking they're making my life easier when they ain't."
"Fine," he snapped, finishing his coffee, cleaning his plate, and stomped out of the house.
"You'd think I was the bloody interloper here," Rafe sighed. "Blast everyone."
Finishing his breakfast he put the dishes in the dishwasher grabbed his jumper and wheeled himself outside to the stables.

Hawk had let the horses out in the paddock, leaning on the rail watching them gallop around the field, tossing their heads. Midnight suddenly turned charging for the fence coming to a stop, his head down, mouth picking up the broken piece of carrot out of Rafe's hand, blowing and snuffling while Rafe stroked his nose.
"One of these days he's going to go right through the fence," muttered Hawk as he walked back into the stable to clean them.
"One day, I'm going to be brave enough to get on your back, Midnight," he whispered, patting his nose and heading over to feed the hens and goats. "Morning ladies," he grinned as they clucked at him. "Any eggs today?"
"Rafe," yelled Hawk, "You have a visitor."
"No rest," he muttered, spinning around, heading back to the house. "Who?"
Hawk pointed to the deck, Rafe still couldn't see. He wheeled himself up the ramp stopping in front of Lila.
"I didn't realise you were in a wheelchair! What happ..." her eyes widened in understanding. "Shit."
"Yeah. Now you know. Long time no see. Let's take this inside. Hawk's got big ears."
"Oi, I heard that."
"See what I mean," he grinned, shutting the door and escorting Lila to the lounge. "What can I do for you?"
"Are you in the wheelchair because of Blake?" she murmured.
"The only one who knows the answer to that is Blake and he's dead. You ran, not that I blame you, Lila. I'm happy to be alive."
"I don't remember much, other than I managed to escape when you appeared out of nowhere, yanking him off me. I-I think Ethan was high and they both attacked you. I ran. Didn't look back. I'm sorry, Rafe."
"You did what you had to do, Lila."
"I could've come back or at least called the cops."
"It's over. You need to move forward. Do what you have to and get your life on track. I'm happy with what I have. Ethan's happy with Clara. Now it's your turn."
"What about Hawk?"
"He's angry about all this. Angry with me for some reason."
"He'll get over it. Ignore him. If he becomes a problem let me know," he took her hands in his. "You did the right thing, though I'm pleased you're back. We'll catch up for dinner one night, meanwhile, I need to get back to work."
"Thanks for seeing me, Rafe."
"Welcome," he kissed her cheek, seeing her out the door with a wave.
Hawk appeared at his side. "Can't believe you forgive her."
"She didn't do anything wrong, Hawk. Don't ever mention it again or you and I will have an argument, which you won't win," he snapped, whirling around on he wheels and heading out the back door.
"Shit," muttered Hawk.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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