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As my feet hit solid ground, I looked up at the familiar building of 12 Grimmauld Place. We had landed just at the bottom of the steps to the house. George headed in first and as Fred squeezed my hand, I looked up at him. He held a finger up to his lips in a shushing motion before pointing behind us.

I slapped a hand over my mouth to stop from gasping when I saw three Death Eaters walking up and down the street right next to us. But they weren't looking at us. They were looking in our general direction, but not actually at us.

"Can't they see us?" I whispered, eyeing the man closest to us. "Not unless we land outside the front gate," Fred explained in a quiet voice. I kept staring out and Fred started pulling me towards the house, forcing me to pay attention up front again.

We walked in and the first thing I heard was a loud laugh that could be misheard as a bark. I grinned and ran down the stairs to the kitchen, being met with cheers of greeting from everyone in the room. My eyes landed on Nym and her baby bump. She was about five months pregnant now, so she was showing, but she wasn't as big as I remembered mother being before Draco was born.


I ran towards her and gave her a tight hug. "Not so tight Allie, you're going to make her pop out." Moony ran forwards at her words and started fussing. "Are you OK? Did she squeeze the baby? Do you need to sit down?" 

I released my sister and looked at Lupin as if he were mad. "You OK there buddy? You look like you could use about a month worth of sleep."

"He's been driving me mad," Nym huffed, scowling at her husband. "He won't even let me stand for more than five minutes." I laughed as Remus wrapped his arms around her, resting his hands on her belly and smiling down at her.

"Well, you have to be careful. You never know -"

"ALLIE!" I spun around and gasped as all my friends filtered into the room from the stairwell. "Thought I heard someone say your name. Hey Weasley's," Amelia greeted, running to me and giving me a tight hug.

Alicia let out a squeal and ran forwards, hugging us too. Angelina ran in, showing a lot more strength in the hug than the rest of us.

"Move over!" Lucy yelled, making everyone else jump away from me. I grinned and pulled her in for a solo hug, her squeezing back just as tight.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I asked as I pulled away from them. Just then, one more person came down to the kitchen. My smile split my face as I ran and pulled Lee into a hug too. "It's good to see you, all of you. But that doesn't explain why you're all here."

Lee pulled me over to the kitchen, making me help Sirius and Remus get the food ready to bring up to the kitchen table.

"Well, this is our hideout. As soon as Black fixed the protection charms, he sent out a message to all of us who weren't in the best safe houses and invited us here. We've been here since October," he explained.

"Lucy what about your parents?" "Argentina. They'll be staying there until all this is over. Can't risk it," she said sadly. I nodded and headed up the stairs with a bowl of potatoes. We placed the food around the table and started digging in, except for me and the twins who had just had dinner at The Burrow.

"But what about Dylan? I thought you two were hiding out together." She looked down in her lap at that and Amelia rested her hand on top of hers in a comforting manner.

Oh no.

"We were. We were travelling together, staying out of sight and out of trouble. But because we had been out of the loop, we hadn't realized You-Know-Who's name was a jinx. He - we fought off the Snatchers but... he didn't make it."

The Lost Witch | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now