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We Found Love - 37



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sidemen updates are a piece of shit

"I'm so pissed off." I yelled out as I led on Will's living room floor.

"It's okay, you know the truth." Mia spoke up.

"I know, but Harry won't answer my texts. What if he thinks I'm cheating?!" I groaned into the carpet.

"He is on his way over." Will spoke up. Lifting my head from the floor I looked up at him, shooting him a deadly stare. "WHAT?!" He shouted.

"He's going to rip me a new one! And your both going to watch!" I shouted.

"No he won't!" Will yelled.

"That's it, I'm going before he gets here." I said.

"Come on Lace, don't be a twat." He sighed.

"Nope too far Will, too far." I stropped, climbing up from the floor. "Goodbye cruel world. Bye Mia!" I chirped at the ending of my dramatic sigh.

"Bye Lacey!" Mia laughed.

"Tell my parents I love them." I dramatically sighed. "Tell Will to fuck himself." I added, pouting for effect.

"I'm right here knob head." Will shook his head. Sticking my middle finger up I headed out his apartment and down the stairs.

"Lacey?" Harry's familiar voice spoke up. Ah Fuck.

"Harry?" I said locking eyes with him as he waited for the lift.

"What's going on?" He said, his eyes slightly red. Oh he hasn't been crying has he. Oh my lord. My heart.

"Harry, can we move from here." I said slightly gesturing to the middle aged woman looking over at the two of us.

Nodding, he directed me out too his car. Taking a seat in the passenger, I shut the door turning to him.

"He's my ex boyfriend. We did not have a good relationship, at all. Physically, mentally. We were not a good match. When I ended up in hospital, he called it off. My dad was going to get the police involved. I really loved him, I wouldn't let him. He messaged me a few times, apologising. We wanted to settle everything on his visit to London. So we had a couple cocktails down the road from my work. He apologised, he told me everything, why he did it, I forgave him. I didn't know you guys have FBI fans who follow you. That's not an excuse. You know I don't like texting you when your asleep because you don't sleep much. My best friend Sam called me, he met me to show me Twitter. He was comforting me. He is gay, I do not want to fuck my best friend. I barely ever see him. I didn't expect the first time I see him since moving is him telling me I'm accused of being a slag and cheating." I told him. "Look, I know it sounds like shitty excuses, I know it's probably really hurt you. I don't want to do that because I love you Harry." I sighed.

"Fucking hell Lacey." He said dragging me in for a hug.

"Your not annoyed?" I said into his shoulder.

"Fuck no. You can be friends and see whoever you want. It's the name calling that's upset me. I fucking love you." He said pulling away. "What did he do?" He asked.

"Who, George?" I asked.

"Is that your ex?" He asked.

"Yeah." I confirmed.

"Yeah, him." He nodded, taking a hold of my hand.

Taking in a deep breath and letting it out, I rested my head back against the car seats headrest.

"We got together when I turned 17. He's 5 years older than me. So he was 22 at the time. I refused to tell my parents, my dad would of murdered us both. We met at a house party, he was one on Will's friends brothers. I didn't even have the balls to tell Will until I was 18." I started, Harry looking at me intently.

"When I turned 18, I told my parents he was 20 so I could move in with him. So we moved in, I was setting up my cake shop, I was out for hours, I didn't see him much. Anyway, Sam and I went out one night, I got plastered. I came back home and he was with another girl. Gobby me booted off, the girl left and he erm... got psychical." I breathed out.

"From there, it just went down hill. He wouldn't let me out, he drove me to work, picked me up. I couldn't see Sam, Will, my family. He got more and more... physical. One night I ended up in hospital. He hurt me that bad, our neighbour heard everything going on, called the police and they got me. I was in there for a week or so. My dad went mental. I moved back in with my parents. I saved up for the last year, brought my cake building. Got accepted onto my mortgage for the apartment, and here I am." I concluded.

"Fuck Lacey, how can you be civil with him?" He spoke out. Speechless. Same.

"I asked myself that. But you know what, if I just left it as we did, police, my dad and all that, I wouldn't of got closure for myself. He said why he did it, he apologised. I won't be seeing him again. But I guess that's one part of my life I can forget about." I said.

"You're an incredible girl. I wish you never had to go through that." He said pressing his lips against my cheek.

"If we are getting everything out here... what's going on with your ex?" I asked, as we buckled our seatbelts.

"Oh Christ." He mumbled as he started up his car. "I'd been with her for five years. Known each other for years. It got to the point the distance was just making us worse, the arguing all those things. I pushed it aside but we just grew apart. I was travelling a lot with the boys, I didn't have much time to see her. She hated it. Anyway, I just didn't feel the same. I split with her." He spoke as he drove. I rested my hand on his beg reassuringly.

"She would message me consistently. We stayed in contact, I thought we were civil. Then it just got weird. We stopped talking. I haven't seen anyone since her, your the first. She keeps messaging me now. I haven't replied since I first started talking to you." He blushed. Same bro.

"You know... apart from George, your the only other guy I've slept with." I told him.

"Really? But your so..." he trailed off.

"So..." I copied.

"Beautiful, fucking hot. My only family and friends question how I've pulled you." He said.

"Oh Harry." I rolled my eyes. "You have no idea how highly I think of you. Your bloody gorg." I said.

"Nope." He said popping the 'p'. Rolling my eyes he looked over at me from the drivers seat.

"Harry where the fuck are we going?" I laughed.

"Oh shit, I missed the turning." He said. Turning around we pulled into the garage parking up.

"I love you." I spoke up.

"I love you too." He smiled.

Blushing, I hid my cheeks as we climbed out.

"Coming up to mine?" He asked. Nodding, that's exactly where we headed.

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