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We Found Love - 47


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mumsie x

"Hey Harry, missed you." Katie winked. Oh my god. In front of my parents. Brave.

"Hey Katie, how've you been?" His mum asked, clearing the silence. Harry's hand gripping my thigh as we sat staring at her.

"Really good.." she winked.

'Who's this bitch?' My Mam mouthed across the table.

'His ex.' I mouthed back. My Mam's face twisted.

"Hey sweet. Katie, is it? Could we have another round for the table please?" My Mam asked. My jaw dropped. I LOVE HER.

"Oh... I-I don't work here..." Katie stumbled.

"Oh, hah. Silly me." Mam said. Harry, Josh and  Rosie in fits of laughter around me.

"Harry, can we talk?" Katie asked.

"I'm with my family?" He gestured to the table. She shot me a look.

"Family?" She asked, raising her brow.

"Yes..." he trailed, pointing to each and everyone of us. She shook her head, looking at him expectantly.

"Please?" She pouted. Harry looked at me and I looked away. I'm not influencing his decision. No chance.

Harry got up and headed out of the room with Katie. I wasn't too bothered. I trust him.

"She seemed...nice?" My Dad spoke up. Oh god.


We had all finished up, Rosie, Josh and I having a little gossip when we all decided to leave. Harry was still talking with Katie.

"Ready?" Harry's dad asked us all. Nodding, we gathered our things and headed out of the restaurant.

"Just stop it!" Harry's voice yelled. Oh no. Looking for the sound of his voice, all our eyes locked on Harry who was stood by the sea view arguing with Katie.

"I ain't getting involved in that." Josh muttered.

"Second that." Rosie agreed.

"As much as I like him, no chance." My mam said, holding her arms up in surrender.

"Nope, not a chance." Harry's dad said.

"Agreeing here, not a chance." My dad said.

Harry's Mam looked at me. Oh no.

"Sorry hun." She said.

"Oh good." I said.

"If I don't make it. Tell my parents I love them." I sighed dramatically.

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