Chapter 48

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Elizabeth re-read the same paragraph in her book over again. The words held no meaning as her eyes raked over the page; her mind was anywhere but on the content of the leather bound tome. Exasperated, she huffed and rose from her chair, pacing the library with the book dangling from her hand. She couldn't focus; Edward had been gone for nearly a month now, and finally, he was due to arrive at any minute.

Edward had left when the constable had come to collect his father, saying he needed to go along to be present for his sentencing, as well as to meet with his brother and discuss and handle further arrangements for the Stanton business and estate. Elizabeth knew that none of it would be pleasant, and she had been in constant prayer for him, and waited anxiously for his return.

Mr. Callaway had departed along with Edward as a means of support; and for this Elizabeth was thankful. She had begged Edward to allow her to accompany him, longing to be present and offer comfort for the duration of his arduous task. He had been very grateful for her love and compassion, but seeing as she had no appropriate female chaperone to come along, insisted that she would be better off at home with her family instead of stuck at the Stanton residence, alone much of the time, while he would be working in various meetings.

Aunt Charlotte had returned home as well, to tend to her own household, promising to come again within a few short weeks. While Elizabeth already missed her, she was puzzled as to why her aunt would be returning so soon; perhaps she simply wished to return quickly to help Elizabeth with wedding plans and arrangements.

Even though Edward and Elizabeth had discussed a fall wedding, possibly sometime in October, a certain date had not been set as of yet. It was the first thing they would decide on upon his arrival. Amelia was all aflutter with ideas and suggestions; she had already made lists of things to be done, and spoke animatedly anytime the subject of the nuptials arose.

The library door burst open, admitting Amelia's bustling form, and Elizabeth jumped; her first thought being of Edward's arrival.

"Lizzie, you must take a look at this fashion plate from this month's Godey's Lady's Book. Perhaps this look would be perfect to fashion my gown after for the ceremony. What do you think?" Amelia thrust the open editorial at Elizabeth, commanding her attention.

"Amelia, you gave me quite a fright, barging in here like that," Elizabeth scolded, taking her hand from her chest.

"Oh Lizzie," Amelia laughed musically, "I know why it is you are so excitable. It is the day of your sweetheart's return!"

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow at her sister's mocking tone and glanced down at the colorful illustration depicting the latest fashions for women's gowns. "These gowns are lovely, Amelia."

"Yes, I quite like this one, with the off the shoulder sleeves and the rosebud trim," Amelia gushed as she pointed to the chosen style.

"Amelia, the weather could possibly be too cool for that particular style in October. You may want to make some adjustments to the sleeves," Elizabeth pointed out.

Amelia poked out her bottom lip in a slight pout. "But the sleeves are what I liked about that one," Amelia protested. "Perhaps I can wear a pretty shawl along with it."

Elizabeth sighed, "We'll discuss it later, Amelia. I'm sure that Aunt Charlotte will have something to say on the matter."

"Alright then," Amelia conceded. "What about flowers? Have you thought much about that?"

Before Elizabeth could answer, Thomas, the butler, entered the library. "Miss Montgomery, Miss Amelia," Thomas bowed to each of the young ladies and turned his attention to Elizabeth. "Miss Montgomery, you wished to be informed of young Mr. Stanton's arrival. The stable boy is just now attending to his horse. Shall I send him in straight away?"

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