Chapter 23

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Standing in front of the looking glass in his bedroom, Edward blew out a breath as he straightened his cravat, and pulled on his jacket. He wanted his appearance to be impeccable; he certainly didn't want to give Peter any reason not to find him agreeable or acceptable as a match for Elizabeth. Not that he truly believed Peter to be shallow enough to really care about whether or not his suit was perfect, but still, anything which might help raise Peter's esteem of him would ease his nerves; just a little, perhaps.

Calm yourself, Edward. You know Peter, he's a respectable and just man, and he loves his daughter. There's no sensible reason that he should object to this arrangement.

Edward took one last look at his reflection, and turned toward the door. He made his way to the library; he and Elizabeth had agreed to meet there before seeking out her father. Edward realized how jittery he was as he walked; his gait was much quicker than normal.

As Edward put out his hand to open the door to the library, he took one more deep breath. Swinging the door open, he instantly spied Elizabeth, and his heart jumped in his chest. She was standing behind the giant mahogany desk at the far end of the room, a splendid sight in a burgundy gown which brought a light glow to her creamy skin and set off her dark brunette locks. She was looking down at a large book which was spread across the shiny wooden surface.

He paused for a moment, watching her. Elizabeth stared down at the book for a few seconds, then turned and began pacing back and forth behind the desk, wringing her hands as she walked. Edward smiled to himself. She was a beautiful bundle of nerves.

Edward stepped into the room, and she jumped and gasped slightly before circumventing the large desk and walking toward him. As she approached, he reached out to take her hands in his.

"You look lovely this morning, Miss Montgomery," he said with a slightly teasing tone.

Elizabeth blushed and smiled at him. "Why thank you, Mr. Stanton. I must say you look rather dapper yourself," she said, returning his playful manner.

Edward grinned at her before taking on a serious look. He ran his thumbs over the backs of her hands, lowering his voice, "Have you seen your father yet this morning? Where is he?"

She held his gaze. "I have not seen him, but Thomas told me that he had already gone into his office, early this morning."

"Alright," his voice was barely a whisper. Edward felt his heart thumping in his chest. He swallowed hard, and raised her hand to his lips, kissing her fingers lightly. "You'll wait here, then?"

"Yes. I am sure he will want to speak to me after." Her gaze was so sympathetic it caused him to tremble slightly. She reached out, placing a soft hand on the side of his face. "You'll be fine, I know it," she whispered, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

Edward turned his lips up in a half smile. "Yes, I will be now, thank you." He squeezed her hand. "I shall return."

He let her hand fall and turned away from her quickly, before he could lose his nerve. He pushed his way through the library door and started off down the hallway.

As he was rounding the corner leading to Peter's office, he heard that very door open and Edward stopped short, backing up to hide himself behind the wall. He peered around the corner to see Charles exiting Peter's office. Not wanting a confrontation with his father at that moment, Edward retreated, ducking into the parlor. He watched through the crack in the door as his father climbed the stairs and disappeared.

Edward stood there in shock; surprise gave way to annoyance and anger. He growled lightly.

Just what had he been doing in there? Meddling, no doubt. He had better not have been giving Peter any trouble. He'll be sure to regret it if he had.

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