Turn of a decade

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Shinta Mori took birthdays seriously. Specially the landmark ones, like the 30th, which was turn-of-the-decade important.

Since he'd made Manila his home base, he had been hearing it referred to as the advent of the tito-slash-tita stage of life, where one would get excited about purchasing rice cookers and tea. Fascinating, really.

When he turned 30 he already had an interest in household machines and errands, having moved out to his own place early on. And tea, while it was not sake or beer, was always nice.

Anyway, this wasn't about him. This was another person traversing into an exciting new decade, and this person was important.

This person also nursed a firm dislike of birthday parties.


His palm fell on Jill's thigh, squeezing. "Do you want to go to Sapporo?"

One eyebrow rose. "Randomly?"

"Not right now."

"Yeah, cos I'm supposed to be up there in 5 minutes." Her mouth curved to his favorite smirk. She tilted her head towards Commute Bar's floor where their band's drummer Nino was testing a beat.

"I actually can't go on a trip next month," Shinta muttered, gaze dropping on the sticky table.

Why did he have filming schedule around this important birthday? It was an extra challenge but he was up to it.

Jill was looking at him with narrowed eyes, which meant she was figuring him out, which meant she would get there soon, with the way she knew him.

He needed a distraction.

He leaned over and captured her lips, her face in both his hands, thumbs tracing her cheekbones. His kisses ran deep, bordering on inappropriate in public despite the dim lights of the bar.

He felt her smile against his moving mouth, palm smacking his chest.

"Fine, be that way." She broke away from him and she stood up, aiming for her bandmates, fingers through his hair as she went. "I'm going to pretend I don't know what this is."

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