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"Perfect seats."

Jill released a low whistle as they dropped on the cushioned seats, eyes scanning the arena's many floors, the rows filling up with fans bearing light sticks and banners. She turned to the stage, to the flashing lights around them, then to his face. He thought her eyes sparkled the most then.

He nodded, proud of himself. He'd fought an intense online battle with fellow warrior fans to secure these tickets. The show was sold out in less than three hours and he was one of the lucky ones.

It was a special birthday gift. He was blessed.

"Not in the VIP, because that means standing in the mosh pit with energetic teenagers for 3 hours and that's not fun for the lower back," he said, slipping his fingers through hers. "Not too far that you have to rely on the big screen to see the band's faces. They charged extra for the faces. This is—"

"Perfect. Just right."

Jill planted a kiss on his lips and he knew it was meant to be sweet but no wait—his palm cupped her nape and pulled her back to him, making the kiss last. When her palm came between them, it cradled the curve of his neck.

"Happy 30th birthday in 3 more hours," he whispered.

She wrinkled her nose at '30' but was laughing when she wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Thank you. You don't have a surprise party waiting after this, do you?"

"Only an intimate congregation with your favorite people."

"There's cake?"

"Of course. I made everyone promise not to sing the birthday song. They can just whisper or text greetings to you."

"It's fine. They know the drill."

"Still, I made sure to issue the reminder."

"How thoughtful."

The lights had dimmed, spotlights bursting, dancing, then zooming in on the stage. The crowd rose, a single collective yelling, screaming their hearts out, light sticks waving in the air.

Jill and Shinta stood with everyone else, but her smile was on him.

He lifted their linked hands to nudge her chin. "Tomorrow I can help you look for the best rice cooker."


When she laughed and kissed him again he knew she meant tonight, this birthday, his plans, the chaos and the music around them, and the two of them together, always. Perfect.



Note: Jill and Shinta were 21 and 24 in SOOB and STMYS lol so this was fun to write and also made my head spin cos a lot would have happened in the years in between. But for sure there were constants–like music and friends and Shinta.

Special thanks to Day6 World Tour: Gravity in Manila 2019 and rice cookers. 

This ficlet was a product of RomanceClass's #RCReadathon2020 Prompt and Pairing, Please!

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