Chapter 8: My Immortal

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(My roommate suggested this song. He thought it fit well with the idea of the story and I think he chose disturbingly well.) 

It was nearly four in the morning when Taylor finally got out of the taxi. He glanced around in the darkness as the car drove away, taking most of the light with it. After a few moments, he started walking toward the house, but something was bothering him. 

Pausing, he turned around, but nothing was there. The crisp night air drew a shiver through him as he made himself inhale, then exhale slowly. 

Just calm down. They haven't attacked us yet. Adon probably went home and put his phone on silent to get some sleep. 

Of course, he knew that that wasn't the case. He'd already gone to the guy's home, and he'd definitely not been there. 

Fingering the spare key in his pocket, he turned around again, only to jump back abruptly when Caleb was suddenly there. His injured left foot gave immediately, dropping him to his back in the driveway as a harsh icy feeling bolted through his chest. 

The chill had him panting for breath and grabbing at his chest. It was freezing even through his shirt, and when he opened his eyes, he realized why. 

Caleb's hand was outstretched, as if he'd tried to catch him. 

He couldn't touch me, though. 

It was odd to think about, since he'd seen the wraith affect the physical word before. 

I'd even grabbed him during the car crash. 

He wasn't really sure why he'd seemingly tried to help, but he had more important things to think about right then. 

"I'm okay. Thanks for trying, though. I just hurt my foot in that wreck so it doesn't hold my weight that well," Taylor said as he carefully started getting back up. 

The fall awoke his other minor injuries, making him wince several times and stagger once. When he was finally able to steady himself and stand, Caleb was nowhere in sight. 

Inside then. 

To his surprise, the door was unlocked when he got to it. 

Adon must really be here. 

He hurried inside, noting the dull light in the kitchen being on as he pushed the door shut behind him. 

Don't want Nikolai getting out, if he can leave the house at all. 


He turned in a circle, but the wraith had really disappeared. Since he was the only one there at the moment, he glanced toward the chalkboard. 

Heees nggr  yy

"He's... angry?" 

Taylor looked around again, but he didn't see anyone. 

"Adon!" he yelled as loudly as he could, then listened for a response as he walked hesitantly closer to the destroyed wall leading to the basement. 

Pulling his phone out, he checked to be one-hundred percent sure that Adon hadn't tried to contact him. While he was on his way to the house he'd made sure to text Sasha to let her know where he was and what he was doing. She was probably asleep, since she hadn't replied and it was still extremely early, but it was better than nothing. 

"Alright. Time to do this." 

Turning on his cell phone flashlight, he carefully made his way through the destroyed wall. The sound of his shoes stepping onto the dusty basement landing seemed too loud to his own ears. 

Home Sweet Home (mxm)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon