Chapter 10: Screams From Below

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(Whew, this chapter wore me out lol)

A startled scream had Taylor jerking upright on the couch. Confusion clouded his mind for a moment, since he didn't remember ever making it to the room, let alone getting up on the sofa, but as the sound of a struggle met his ears from the other room, he quickly pushed it aside and got up. 

His foot sent pulses of pain straight up his leg as he tried to run. It was clear that that wasn't a great idea, so he ended up limping his way toward his bedroom. When he got to the doorway his eyes immediately widened at what he saw. 

Nikolai was still mostly outside of Adon's body, but instead of sleeping he was kneeling on either side of the man with part of his right leg disappearing into Adoni's torso. Adon had his right hand grasped in his left, a tiny trickle of blood escaping from between his fingers. 

"Nikolai!" Taylor yelled, immediately drawing the banshee's attention. 

It turned its body enough so that it could look over its shoulder at him. A faint bit of pale red painted his nearly see-through lips. 

Taylor was just about to ask why the hell he'd bitten Adon when Caleb suddenly appeared in front of him. He backed up automatically, raising one arm in case the wraith intended to do anything. 

The sound of the doorbell abruptly chiming had Taylor jumping and glancing toward the front of the house, but he immediately turned his attention back to the current situation... only to find both the banshee and wraith, gone.  

I guess.

"You okay, Adon?" he asked as he glanced back toward the door as the bell rung again. 

Adon slowly sat up, then swung his legs over the edge of the bed. 

"Yeah. No idea why he bit me, but it wasn't much, and he didn't try to make the injury worse or anything." 

That was weird, but good, at least. Nodding, he turned around and walked over to the door. After a quick glance through the peep-hole, he opened it. 

Sasha and her friend, along with his dog, came walking in as Taylor stepped aside. The girl wasted no time finding her boyfriend and freaking out over his injuries, while the man's dog immediately bolted down the stairs, even as commands to do the opposite were being shouted at her. 

Well, this is already a great day. 


Looking away from the basement entrance where the dog had vanished, Taylor walked back over to his bedroom to see Sasha sitting next to her boyfriend. Adon still looked really tired, but at least he was conscious and able to sit up. 

"Adoni told me what happened."

Taylor pursed his lips and leaned against the doorjamb to give his bad foot a break. 

"What can we do about it?" 

Sasha sighed as she nodded past him, drawing his attention to the man that was walking up. 

"A banshee can rarely, and I mean rarely, possess someone who is extremely weakened. In order to do so, they must consume a part of their body." 

Taylor made a face, glad that he hadn't eaten anything yet.

"Not like that... technically," Martin said, then continued; "Yes, he could have eaten a finger or what not. It would have worked just as well, but considering the bandages wrapped around your chest, I'm betting that he just got some of your skin and blood?" 

Adon slowly nodded after a glance down at his chest. 

"The banshee is able to possess you as long as a piece of your body is in its system." 

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