21 | Misjudgement

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Still in a daze, I don't notice someone approaching me until a pair of ocean blue eyes fills my view. I retreat on instinct, but a hand catches my wrist immediately. Glancing up at his face, I realize that the curious blond guy is just Taylor.

"Found you!" He grins at me. "I was getting disappointed when I didn't see you. I thought you'd forgotten about me."

I smile at him. "I promised I would come."

He seems pleased by my answer and takes my hand. "Come on! My friends are playing a game of Truth or Dare. We should join them."

Frowning, my eyes search behind me. "But I–"

My protests die as he pulls me along and leads me up the stairs quickly. I crane my neck to glance back in the direction where Kyle has disappeared, but he is nowhere in sight. Knowing that he might be alone with Carly unsettles me.

Is it too late to give him my answer?

Taylor brings me to one of the many rooms on the second floor—a private theater room with a large tv on the wall, gaming consoles, a plush sofa and a pool table. Beer cans scatter everywhere. A group of people is already chilling out, laughing and exchanging jokes. When we arrive, all heads snap towards us in unison. They observe me from head to toe with curiosity, clearly wondering why the new girl is walking alongside one of the most popular boys in school.

One boy shakes his head in disbelief. "Seriously, Taylor?" He slaps a twenty-dollar bill on the hand of the guy sitting next to him. "Can't believe I lost."

I'm confused. Taylor shoots him a warning look, but not before I glimpse a small smile curling his lips. "Shut up."

Turning towards me, he does a quick round of introductions, telling me their names, but I forget them quickly. Some ignore me as they continue to exchange school gossip with one another. A few people nod their heads at me in a greeting and I even hear a catcall coming from the back.

Being in their company, a feeling of dread crawls over my skin, and I suddenly miss Blaire.

I definitely do not belong here.

Taylor rounds everyone up for the game, but I shake my head at him. "It's fine. I'll just watch from the side."

One girl pips up at me. "Come on... Don't be boring," she laughs, and it comes out mockingly. "We won't bite."

I remain reluctant. My eyes shift towards Taylor for help, but he waves me over to the empty spot on the sofa beside him.

"Jess is right," he says. "It'll be fun, I promise."

I raise a brow at him in disbelief, but another girl intervenes. "Oh, Taylor. Let's not force her. The poor girl is terrified."

My eyes narrow at her, my annoyance rising at the sneer in her voice. "Fine," I agree eventually—an attempt to prove that I'm not pathetic—and settle right next to Taylor. "Let's play."

Yet, one minute into the game and I'm regretting it. The bottle on the table goes spinning and the questions shooting across the tables are intrusive—the topics mainly about relationships and, well, exes. When it's my turn, I lie through my teeth by not mentioning anything related to Kyle at all. When they refuse to believe a word that I say and start pressing for more, I stick with my answer.

Single. No exes.

Disappointed by the lack of drama in my life, they encourage me to do a dare instead. As they cheer around me, I bite my lip in hesitation, trying to think of a way to escape. Talk about peer pressure.

To my horror, one guy—the same one who spoke to Taylor when we first entered—blurts out a suggestion.

"Kiss Taylor!"

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